Challenges for Competition 2024

Catalogue | Table


Aotearoa New Zealand


Australian Capital Territory

Northern Territory




AI in Governance

How can governments use AI to boost efficiency and transparency in public sector operations while addressing concerns regarding ethics, data privacy, and public trust?

#AI in Governance

Eligibility: Open to everyone.

Go to Challenge | 35 teams have entered this challenge.

Aotearoa New Zealand

Best Digital Twin Solution

Best Digital Twin solution that enables community organisations to plan, manage, monitor and evaluate their environmental improvement initiatives

Go to Challenge | 4 teams have entered this challenge.

BudgetBuddie: Build a personal finance companion.

Create a personal finance personality tool that analyses and categorises New Zealanders' financial behaviors using open public data, integrating AI to offer personalised recommendations for kiwis to be better with their money.

Empower Kiwis to be better with their money.

Eligibility: • The tool must not act as a financial advisor such as providing financial advice on Kiwisaver, Investment options, Insurance and mortgages or any other loans.  Datasets to Highlight: • National Household Savings Rate (Stats NZ or similar sources) • Consumer Spending Patterns (government open data) • Household Debt-to-Income Ratios • Financial Literacy Data (survey-based datasets) • Investment Behavior and Trends (regional data from Stats NZ)

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.

Planning NZ’s electrical energy needs versus our generation capacity

How can we utilise AI/ML/Gen AI technologies to help plan our electrical energy needs vs generation capacity to help avert/avoid the spot pricing issues that are impacting NZ business and households at present?

#Are higher energy prices avoidable?

Eligibility: New Zealand Only

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.

SolarZero Challenge: Driving Climate Action Through Self-Service Solar Discovery

As part of our commitment to building a sustainable future, SolarZero invites innovators to help us transform how homeowners discover and adopt solar energy. In alignment with the 2024 Climate Change and Sustainable Public Policy theme, this challenge focuses on creating a cutting-edge, self-service tool that empowers homeowners to explore their solar potential independently. Solar energy is critical to reducing carbon emissions, and we believe that simplifying the solar journey is essential for widespread adoption.

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.


Civic participation for a more resilient, cohesive democracy.

How can we help more people to understand their democracy, have an opportunity to participate in civic life, contribute to their community, and/or feel a sense of belonging and responsibility?

#Civic Participation

Eligibility: Open to everyone. Submissions should use at least one government data source.

Go to Challenge | 27 teams have entered this challenge.

Factors that influence education, skills and training choices of young people

What factors impact the decisions of young people to commence and complete post school studies (Vocational Education and Training or higher education), including those that commence and complete an apprenticeship?

#Study success: Choosing the right study paths

Eligibility: Open to participants including university students and professional researchers

Go to Challenge | 17 teams have entered this challenge.

Improving the Accessibility of Online Government Services

How can we leverage AI to design inclusive digital solutions that ensure seamless and equitable access to essential services for people with disabilities?

#Improving Service Accessibility

Eligibility: Australia only.

Go to Challenge | 29 teams have entered this challenge.

Place-based insights unlocked: Generative AI x Digital Atlas of Australia

How can we use the Digital Atlas of Australia’s API and Generative AI to create innovative, user-friendly tools and visualisations that make geospatial data accessible to everyone, empower decision-making, and help all Australians better engage with their local and national environments?

#Data-driven Decisions for a Stronger Australia

Eligibility: All Australian competitors.

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.

Renewable Energy Site Selection Model

How can we optimally position renewable energy projects across Australia to maximize efficiency, minimize environmental impact and integrate seamlessly into the existing grid?

#Powering Tomorrow, Towards a Sustainable Energy Future

Eligibility: Open to all students and professionals with a background in data science, environmental science, engineering, or related fields.

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Tax inclusion for vulnerable groups

How can we use open government data to identify vulnerable or at-risk groups who face barriers or challenges in complying with the tax and super systems, and design or improve digital solutions to help them meet their obligations and access their entitlements?

#Digitally Fair

Eligibility: Open to everyone. Use at least one ATO data set

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.

Use AI to transform bureaucratic jargon into plain English

How can we use AI to create clear, accurate and user-friendly government content? Specifically, how can we use AI tools to apply Australian Government Style Manual (Style Manual) rules and guidelines to create, edit and review content? Content that is clear, accurate and understandable helps people make informed decisions and comply with their obligations.


Eligibility: All Australian competitors.

Go to Challenge | 23 teams have entered this challenge.

Australian Capital Territory

Innovating Wellbeing Measurement – Uncovering New Connections

We want to explore different ways to link data and outcomes to domains and indicators under the <a href=""> ACT Government’s Wellbeing Framework.</a> Exploring external data sources can provide broader insights into the factors influencing our wellbeing, and improve its measurement.

#Exploring new ways to look at societal wellbeing

Eligibility: No restrictions. Participants can be from any jurisdiction and are encouraged to be creative and use any legal datasets in applying the wellbeing framework.

Go to Challenge | 17 teams have entered this challenge.

Northern Territory

Boosting Tourism in the Northern Territory

How can data be leveraged to create innovative solutions that boost tourism in the Northern Territory, attract more visitors, and/or enhance their cultural experience?

#Northern Territory Tourism

Eligibility: Open to all participants, including students, professionals, startups, and data enthusiasts.

Go to Challenge | 25 teams have entered this challenge.

Connecting Communities: Your Guide to local Information and Services

How can we assist local residents and visitors in easily locating local services and providing answers to frequently asked questions?

#Empower your community by making access to local information and services just a click away!

Eligibility: Open to all participants, including students, professionals, startups, and data enthusiasts.

Go to Challenge | 29 teams have entered this challenge.

Crocodile Watch: Enhancing Public Safety

How can crocodile monitoring data be leveraged to create solutions that improve public safety and reduce the risk of crocodile encounters in the Northern Territory?

#Crocodile management

Eligibility: Open to all participants, including students, professionals, startups, and data enthusiasts.

Go to Challenge | 19 teams have entered this challenge.


Collaborative Intelligence for Clean Waters

How might AI enhance environmental governance in the Pine Rivers catchment through improved data management, integration, and reporting? How might we integrate diverse datasets and identify trends to improve decision-making and foster collaboration to support community and environmental wellbeing?

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Moreton Bay Greening as We Grow (QLD)

How might we harness the power of the everyday citizen to help protect our diverse flora and fauna as we grow our region, creating a diverse and flourishing planet for generations to come?

#Living better together

Eligibility: Open to everyone, preference will be given to those providing solutions using at least one local Moreton Bay region (City of Moreton Bay) data set. . Employees of City of Moreton Bay with a direct working relationship with members of the local Moreton Bay Gov Hack node organising committee are ineligible to apply for this prize. If unsure, please feel welcome to check and discuss via Slack channels upon commencement of the event.

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.

Smart infrastructure for data-driven decision making

How can the council leverage climate and movement data from its multi-function poles, sensors and devices to improve asset management, optimise services, and/or design cleaner, more livable urban spaces?

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.


AI applications using Open Road Crash data

How might we leverage road crash statistics and multi-agent AI-based web applications to enhance road safety and inform policy making?

#Innovative solutions for Analysis, Risk Control and Presentation of Road Crash Statistics

Eligibility: Open to everyone. See the expected outcomes and the use of Crash Stats data listed above

Go to Challenge | 13 teams have entered this challenge.

Forecasting Community Evolution: Leveraging AI and Historical Planning Data

How might we predict future changes in community dynamics, such as population density, housing demand, traffic patterns, and the demand for public services or amenities?

#Predicting future changes in community dynamics

Eligibility: Use at least one dataset from

Go to Challenge | 13 teams have entered this challenge.

Smart Mobility: Optimizing Urban Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future

How might we use data insights to promote the development of sustainable urban infrastructure and reduce dependency on private vehicles?

#Designing sustainable urban mobility solutions

Eligibility: Use at least one dataset from

Go to Challenge | 26 teams have entered this challenge.