Entries to BudgetBuddie: Build a personal finance companion.

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<html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>BudgetMate Project: Data Story</title> <style> body { font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif; background-color: #f4f4f4; ...

Go to Project | Solitude

Down Under Dollars

Pain Points Lack of Financial Literacy: Many New Zealanders struggle with understanding key financial concepts, making it difficult to create and follow a budget or plan for long-term savings. Untracked Spending and Savings: A significant number of people don't track their spending habits eff...

Go to Project | Kiwi Kangaroos


SolarCast aims to empower homeowners with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about solar energy. By combining accurate savings calculations, interactive visualisations, and comprehensive onboarding support, SolarCast will simplify the solar adoption process and contribute to a mor...

Go to Project | SolarCast

Budget Hoa

Here is Budget-Hoa, our digital friend for financial empowerment to get required advise anytime from anywhere. Nowadays, peoples in Newzealand goes through a number of challenges in terms of financial success. There are multiple reasons for this including lack of financial literacy, No discipl...

Go to Project | Team TelStars - BudgetBuddie


## Pain Point New Zealand is dealing with some of the highest electricity prices in the developed world, compounded by declining gas supplies and low hydro lake levels. These issues, along with the unpredictability of climate change, are making the energy landscape more unstable and less relia...

Go to Project | EnergyCast

Large Language Model Enhanced Budget Analyser

This presentation explores the use of a large language model (LLM) to analyze personal bank transactions and grocery spending, offering insights into spending patterns and identifying opportunities for savings. By categorizing expenses into essential and non-essential items, the LLM provides acti...

Go to Project | Team Waikato

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