Entries to Smart infrastructure for data-driven decision making

Catalogue | Table
Project Team Location
AAA == AAA - RolJam Digital QLD
Access Enabled App (AEP) Pannenkeoken Albany
#A Maroochydooers Project# Maroochydooers Sunshine Coast - Queensland
CityCent Team Centelon Melbourne
EcoCommute EcoCommute Deakin
Greenius Greenius Melbourne
HikeAware GovHike Sunshine Coast - Queensland
Morethan Steps Morethan Bay Moreton Bay - QLD
Noobies Project Noobies Hobart
OverSITE Great Southern Gurus Albany
Smart infrastructure for data-driven decision making NatureGuard Moreton Bay - QLD
Smart Mobility - PT Vic Future Team TelStars Melbourne
Solar IT Solar IT Sunshine Coast - Queensland
UrbIA: Urban Insights Atlas Banico Family Digital VIC
VCFuture NextGen Adelaide
z za Digital QLD
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