Entries to How can we beat Gamba Grass?

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What is Bindii ======= ------<br> ![Bindii] (https://a.storyblok.com/f/149050/1920x1080/a921d7747e/bindi_cover.jpg) ![Bindii] (https://a.storyblok.com/f/149050/1920x1080/8614efbf6e/cover.jpg) ------<br> Bindii is a fun and interactive mobile app that teaches kids about our native fl...

Go to Project | Hide and Seek

Gamba Grass Management

Gamba grass (Andropogon gayanus) was introduced into the Northern Territory as a pasture grass in the 1930s. Subsequently, plantings occurred throughout pastoral and agricultural areas of the Top End. Since this time gamba grass has proved to be highly invasive, establishing itself in savanna w...

Go to Project | GreenNT

Project Gamba

Gamba grass crowd-controlling The grass is currently spread in vast areas of NT and other parts . To effectively control the grass, one of the effective ways is for people to report it. We call it crowd controlling (similar to crowd-funding). To apply that solution we will need to find effective...

Go to Project | Lol Lol

Gamba Alert

Wild bushfire is a major cause of natural disasters across Australia and in particular the Northern Territory. Bushfires has been a part of natural calamities for centuries. Northern Territory with its vast wild landscape and millions of hectares of bushland is massively prone to deadly bushfires...

Go to Project | Team Green

Finding your Nature Neighbors

## Design Background Due to the deterioration of the environment, the occurrence of extreme weather is getting more frequent, which is closely related to continuous industrial development. Many species lost their habitat due to the neglect of protection of the ecological environment. Hence, how ...

Go to Project | Endless Quest


## [Visit our Scratch demo at https://bit.ly/jessica-demo.](https://bit.ly/jessica-demo) ![screen](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jasebanico/GovHack2022-JESSICA/main/artifacts/ux-and-data-fields.png) Citizen Science is when the public voluntarily help conduct scientific research, and sha...

Go to Project | Team Banico

Displacing Diesel

Our Northern Territory is highly reliant on diesel from every use.But diesel bit costly and risky to transport. By using few of those idea, we may save some diesel and find out alternative options.

Go to Project | 1961

GG ez (Gamba Grass Easy)

#"GG ez, will make control breezy" Gamba Grass is considered a high risk weed threatening native vegetation and causing unnecessary work to remove. Gamba grass is best removed by pulling them out from the root and disposing them. GG ez, is an application developed to solve this issue. The a...

Go to Project | Lonely Potato

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