Entries to Bounty: Industry meets Academia

Catalogue | Table
From Global Climate Change to Future Ocean: Geospatial Local and Nonlinear Impacts of Ocean Flows and Human Activities on the Ocean Climate and Environment, and Spatiotemporal Decision Making for Marine Ecosystems

## Objectives This project integrates spatiotemporal statistical models and machine learning methods for predicting future ocean climate and environment scenarios and the decision making for marine ecosystems. ## Methods (1) Geostatistical methods are used for spatial prediction of variables...

Go to Project | Future Ocean


SoloNav Extracting information from open Government datasets can be a frustrating and overwhelming process. Data analysists and researchers spend more than 80% of their time trying to find accessible, reliable and up-to-date resources (Quora, 2018). Issues with the current open sources data ...

Go to Project | Insight Hackers


E-Thos is a web based application that is designed to help potential/current business owners better understand the population demographics of the area that the business owner(s) intend to operate in. E-Thos takes in a location input from the user and then uses that information to provide a visual...

Go to Project | Team 242

Project 67

Using machine learning skills to mine useful patterns related to litter management from open data source, which can help government and relevant department to take measures.

Go to Project | Team 67


CrowdQuests is a game which has quests and missions to encourage physical activity and learning about points of interests. The quests are designed for: &nbsp;<br/> * Learning about locations * Crowdsourcing data updates * Crowdsourcing new information * Knowledge about problems * Encourag...

Go to Project | Happy Goats

Grants Genie

Are you a business with bright ideas with the potential to leave your competitors in the dust? Bringing and testing your innovative ideas for commercialisation can be painful especially if you’re trying to capture a first to market advantage. Then, there is the actual process of discovering rele...

Go to Project | Grant Gurus

Academic Connect

This project aimed to address the lack of collaboration between government, universities and industry to encourage innovation.

Go to Project | I'm Learnding


Data is not the key to the future. Data does not define success. The key to the future, what defines success, is people. We are a data integration platform tailored for the healthcare industry, standardising the way health data is shared and incentivising collaboration between hospitals, res...

Go to Project | HealthLink

Project 4680

Community solution that reduces litter, creates healthier communities and increases regional development.

Go to Project | HackGladstone

The Hecs prize - Bounty: Industry meets Academia Jurisdiction: Australia

We entice the formation of game-changing startups and visionary collaboration through incentivized competitions that encourage the creation of unique IP and sustainable outcomes A yearly competition that brings together teams of industry (business) and researches (Higher Education) to deliver ne...

Go to Project | Hecs prize


Entrepreneurs face an incredible amount of blockers that are pushing them away from realising their vision. They have to go through different processes to set up their business, get funding or find resources. We want to build a platform that will automate most of these tasks using Artificial Int...

Go to Project | mbae

QLD Government Service transaction Behaviour and Preference Discovery

We are keen to resolve the problems that are related to our daily life. We love to play around with data, getting insight into data. The interactive dashboard is published on: https://public.tableau.com/profile/gavin1686#!/vizhome/Govhack-Draft3_0/DemographicDashboard The source code are p...

Go to Project | Team So Good

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