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Team Waikato

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Evidence of Work

Large Language Model Enhanced Budget Analyser

Project Info

Team Waikato thumbnail

Team Name

Team Waikato

Team Members

Nick and 3 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

This presentation explores the use of a large language model (LLM) to analyze personal bank transactions and grocery spending, offering insights into spending patterns and identifying opportunities for savings. By categorizing expenses into essential and non-essential items, the LLM provides actionable recommendations for reducing unnecessary spending. The system highlights high-cost categories and recurring expenses, helping users make informed decisions such as switching to budget-friendly alternatives or cutting back on non-essential purchases. This approach empowers individuals to better understand their financial habits and optimize their personal finances over time.

Data Story

We used the Household expenditure survey from the NZ 2023 Census to help the large language model understand the spending pattern to contrast against our own expenses.
the dataset is available in the source code url

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

New Zealand Wholesale Price Trend

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Planning NZ’s electrical energy needs versus our generation capacity

How can we utilise AI/ML/Gen AI technologies to help plan our electrical energy needs vs generation capacity to help avert/avoid the spot pricing issues that are impacting NZ business and households at present?

#Are higher energy prices avoidable?

Eligibility: New Zealand Only

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.

BudgetBuddie: Build a personal finance companion.

Create a personal finance personality tool that analyses and categorises New Zealanders' financial behaviors using open public data, integrating AI to offer personalised recommendations for kiwis to be better with their money.

Empower Kiwis to be better with their money.

Eligibility: • The tool must not act as a financial advisor such as providing financial advice on Kiwisaver, Investment options, Insurance and mortgages or any other loans.  Datasets to Highlight: • National Household Savings Rate (Stats NZ or similar sources) • Consumer Spending Patterns (government open data) • Household Debt-to-Income Ratios • Financial Literacy Data (survey-based datasets) • Investment Behavior and Trends (regional data from Stats NZ)

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.