Entries to The future of transport

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Covid19 exposure locations in the ACT

A simple curated dashboard of case locations and contact level developed over the last week with a small group of University of Canberra ecologists. Hoping we can extend this project to help the greater Canberra community.

Go to Project | Simple Canberra covid contact dashboard

Charging ahead: Houston, we have a solution!

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) has always led the country in terms of social change. Canberra is powered by 100% renewable electricity, however private transport remains a large source of carbon emissions for the territory. Electric vehicles promise increased energy security by reducing f...

Go to Project | DI/CER Dream Team


The COVID 19 pandemic proved that the status quo of working onsite was not necessary for everyone, and as a result public transport commuter numbers took a dive. In the ACT the numbers dipped, but they didn't die, demonstrating that public transport is still valid in modern Australia and necessar...

Go to Project | Team DTC4Life

Digital Transport

The growth of a city is a balance of cause and effect of all the complex social, economic and environmental infrastructure. Since they cohabit in a fragile balance, the change in one affects all the other. In the middle of it all, transportation, both public and private, seem to play a vital role...

Go to Project | DeCoder

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