Entries to Smart Mobility: Optimizing Urban Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future

Catalogue | Table
Project Team Location
Access Enabled App (AEP) Pannenkeoken Albany
CityCent Team Centelon Melbourne
EcoCommute EcoCommute Deakin
Flexi-Bus Detour Labs Melbourne
FutureMove VIC Siyani Canberra
Get on Track Metro Bandits Sydney
Go Green - Eco Transit Uni-High Fives Melbourne
Greenius Greenius Melbourne
HAiLO Best Käse Scenario Melbourne
kooraGO! Hacks & Whys Sydney
NAMS.ai NAMS Squad Sydney
Navion Mobility Mates Melbourne
Project 2624 Team 2624 Adelaide
Project 2764 Team 2764 Melbourne
Ride-Wise Smart Mobility Solutions Four Musketeers Melbourne
Smart Mobility: Promote Sustainable Transportation with Place based Insights and Generative AI Hack-a-Vision Melbourne
Smart Mobility - PT Vic Future Team TelStars Melbourne
SmartMove DataGurus Adelaide
Solar IT Solar IT Sunshine Coast - Queensland
TransitPulse Explorer SoDa Labs Digital VIC
UrbIA: Urban Insights Atlas Banico Family Digital VIC
VCFuture NextGen Adelaide
vMAAS (Victorian Mobility as a Service) Team Space Digital VIC
VSafeRoute FedTech Digital VIC
ZEVi Hacks & Whys Sydney
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