No Fire Now
NFN is a IoT bush fire early warning system web management console
Go to Project | NFN
NFN is a IoT bush fire early warning system web management console
Go to Project | NFN
Our Aim is to link relevant, compelling, local climate data to interested parties via provocative interactive artwork. The artwork will link to relevant geo targeted data in the form of a website via mobile device QR scanning.
Go to Project | Ahead Above Water
Our vision is to showcase a small number of aboriginal Queensland languages by providing easily accessible, engaging, and interactive resources.
Go to Project | Gurumba bigi
Community Engagement Device 423 (aka CED423) displays local data at bus and train stations to encourage interaction between local populations and their community's data.
Go to Project | OSE423
eNLB – “The Future of AG” Brings together interactive technology with the traditional livestock branding process in line with other national livestock tracking and identification systems. Our easy to use out of the box software for farmers & other enthusiasts bridges the gap with current e...
Go to Project | AgTech 2050
Educating the community about waste management and resource recovery, and encouraging more mindful behaviour through AI based reward or penalty systems. The goal is a long term reduction in waste to landfill through better community engagement from government provided waste collection services.
Go to Project | Noosa Waste Management
Visualizing Underground Assets using Augmented Reality and Data sets from Gold Coast.
Go to Project | My Tech
Australia. In three words: beautiful, stunning, breathtaking. But, in a country so beautiful, it’s easy to forget. Forget that it isn’t so beautiful and easy everywhere in the nation. Forget those less fortunate. Less lucky. 60% of Queensland is in drought. Something as simple, and seemingly ‘...
Go to Project | Droughts 'R' Us
Using machine learning from audio sources to identify black glossy cockatoos from around the region.
Go to Project | Team Black Glossy
A responsive web application built on Bootstrap and D3 libraries, reads through multiple crop and rainfall data available for all state's crop districts and provides a comparison analysis.
Go to Project | SoloViz
1 in 9 Australians suffer from chronic respiratory diseases, a group of conditions that have a wide range of triggers, including dust, pollutants, temperature, humidity and pressure. We wanted to design a tool for the community, but specifically targeting those with respiratory illnesses, that co...
Go to Project | Haxolotl
Whale awareness / sound relay project.
Go to Project | Wilky
##  ### Team Members 🐨 Aaron Charlton | Team Captain, Web Developer 🦘 Ivan von Christ | UX/UI Designer 🦇 Genevieve Carter | Web Developer ### Project Description Wildlife across Queensland and Australia are faced with numerous threats,...
Go to Project | Big Sunday
Our climate is changing, but water remains one of our most precious resources. Australia is shaped by drought. We are a land of harsh terrain and harsh weather. Droughts over the last few years have had a large footprint, long duration and high intensity. > “The next war in the Middle Eas...
Go to Project | RoboRoyals
War On Water Waste is a game that simulates Brisbane city from 2000 to 2050. The user plays the role of town management, and tries to make Brisbane the best city that they possibly can. While certain features are still under development, the basic theme of saving water has been implemented - this...
Go to Project | GoWithTheFlow
The Power Spot provides a simple way to visualise how much of our energy is coming from renewable sources, how much renewable energy we are storing in the grid and using later, also, how much energy we are sharing with our neighbours, and how much energy is coming from non renewable sources. ...
Go to Project | Noosa Power
Our project is a website/app that provides home owners with information on flood risks, fire ratings, water efficiency and solar energy potential for their specific area. The aim of the site is to engage Queensland communities with their surrounding environment through the use of spatial data.
Go to Project | The Step Dads
We believe that our challenge Water – From Source to tap: is effectively met through the use of the interactive game that has been created. The game showcases the water cycle and how the water is being transformed through each phase.
Go to Project | Drop Top
# Sustainability - By🌱Smart Green Growth🌱 ## Context ### The challenge ## Introduction ### Our project is a [hydrophonic system]( that conserves the use of water. it does this by preventing loss of water by evaporation and transpiration from p...
Go to Project | 🌱Smart Green Growth🌱