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Trends in Recycling

Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

Tom and 1 other member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

I used a general web app building tool called Flatpack Apps (that I created in the past), to develop an app for finding trends in a data set pertaining to recycling.

Data Story

My aim was to upload the three data sources linked to the challenge (three .csv files) to my app, and then use my app to analyse the data. I only managed to get one of the .csv files uploaded however (the Waste Projection Model Actuals file). The National Waste Database was quite large (71k lines), and required a lot of clean up. I spent a lot of time on that file but couldn't get it uploaded.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Victoria's waste projection model

Data Set

Victorian local government waste data

Data Set

National Waste Database

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Analysing recycling trends over the last 20 years to predict future recycling behaviour

Conduct analysis to understand and identify trends in recycling practices over the past 20 years. The objective of the challenge is to gain insights from recycling rates, material compositions, geographic variations and other factors influencing recycling behaviour.

Eligibility: Use at least 1 dataset from Data.Vic list.

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.