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Track and Trace (TRAT)

Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

Saurabh Jain , Anikesh , Jubin , Swetalina Nayak , Saket

Project Description

A smart bin proposition to build Track and Trace(TRAT) to help organization to track the source of plastic and then trace it back with the help of citizens. So citizens will let the authorities know where is plastic type A coming from and for doing that citizens will be awarded rewards based on the quantity of plastics and quality of information they provide.

#smart bin #reward #smart app #plastic #waste #tracking #tracing #trat

Data Story

We are enabling citizens to let us know where is the source of plastic by rewarding them.

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

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Challenge Entries

Track and trace: help end plastic waste

Plastics contaminate Australia’s lands and seas, and challenge our industries, communities and decision makers with an exponentially growing problem. How might we enable and empower Australians to help de-plasticise our country and report plastic waste in our environment for a healthier future.

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.