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TS Tribute

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Evidence of Work


Project Info

TS Tribute thumbnail

Team Name

TS Tribute

Team Members

Renee Cuda and 4 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Cities in Australia and all over the world are facing a similar problem: thanks to the impact of COVID and people working from home, there are a lot of underutilized offices. In today's environment, we consider this a misuse of space.

Many businesses have been forced to downsize or even shut down. It no longer makes sense for all companies to rent a large space for their employees.

Spacey aims to help fill empty spaces in offices around Australia by making space-sharing easy.
- Business owners can list available desks/rooms in their office
- Office-less workers can discover and book space to work in by themselves
- Small businesses can book board rooms for important meetings

To reduce interruptions to the office, Spacey users will be able to access offices securely via existing keyless entry systems (such as Kastle Presence).

Spacey users will be vetted and have their identity confirmed via police check before they can use the service.
The Spacey rating system allows trust to be built between both office owners and workers looking for space.

Social utilization of existing offices could help Australians affected by the housing crisis in three ways:
- People deciding on houses to rent/buy no longer need to plan for a dedicated work-from-home room (therefore cheaper options will be available)
- Precious space is not left empty and wasted. Offices could be converted into apartments.
- The building of additional office blocks can slow down to make way for apartments.

Furthermore, Spacey can help by
- Reducing our impact on the environment (utility usage such as aircon/heating is shared)
- Reducing cost overhead on small businesses that rarely require office space



Live Demos:


#office #environment #social #housing #covid #rent #vacancy #economy

Data Story

Data was available to give insight into how people in Australia are working.

Working from Home

Quote: 41% of employed people regularly worked from home, up from 32% in Aug 2019.

- More people working from home means more empty offices
- More people need space at home to do their work

Office Vacancy

Quote: (See graph B.1 "Office vacancy rates")

- There are empty/under-utilized offices


Quote: (See graph 5)

Quote: The number of spare bedrooms increased from 12.7 million in the 2017-18 financial year to 13 million in the 2019-20 financial year, according to the Survey of Income and Housing released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Possible Indications:
- Additional rooms required for home office

If people could easily work in an office at a location convenient to them, additional space in their house could be used to help ease the housing crisis.

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

Housing and Occupancy

Description of Use Indication: People have spare rooms in their houses

Data Set

Office Vacancy Rates

Description of Use Indication: Empty offices exist

Data Set

Working Arrangements

Description of Use Indication: More people working from home means more empty offices Indication: More people need space at home to do their work

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Emissions: The Dark side of Buildings

How might we address the built environment which accounts for 40% of the world’s GHG emissions through data sets and smart technologies? How will the phenomenon of a hybrid “return to the workplace” impact how we use existing spaces and plans for developing new spaces? How do we create the right mix of brownfield and greenfield projects to optimise results of efforts?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

The NSW housing crisis

With the skyrocketing cost of living, how might we use open data to find affordable housing in the current rental and housing crisis?

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.