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SpaceLab Enterprises

Project Info

KinderGeek thumbnail

Team Name


Team Members

1 member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

Space Lab enterprises is an open online community driven website which educators and leading academics crowd share and surf topics to knuckle out everyday scientific and other researches . The website creates collaboration between researchers. Hence, noting that the site benifits the end-user and improves access to higher education research, sustainable goals, and online collaboration between researchers around the world.

Data Story

The number one factor for doing this website is so that all researchers come together and collaborate and united in the quest for knowledge. SpaceLab Enterprises was created by Alecia, the brain Child of the project for GovHack.

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

Contracting non-government organisations

Data Set

Supply of secondary teachers in STEM-related disciplines

Data Set

Information and Communications Technologies in schools for teaching and learning

Data Set

Training expenditure

Data Set

TAFE SA Campus Locations

Data Set

TAFE SA Short Courses 2015

Data Set

TAFE SA Short Courses 2017

Data Set

Parkes observations for project P595 semester 2019APRS_07

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Leveraging innovation precincts to drive economic prosperity.

How might we build on interaction between businesses and research institutions in Australian innovation precincts, to boost business capability, growth, and job creation?

Eligibility: The dataset "Stocktake of Australian Innovation Precincts – June 2019" must be used

Go to Challenge | 23 teams have entered this challenge.

Local Government Information Technology Association of South Australia

How might we identify opportunities for improvement or new Council services, infrastructure and facilities to benefit community outcomes in South Australia?

Eligibility: Use of at least one Council dataset

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.

🌟 The Class of 2025

Considering the growing and emerging economic industries, how can data be used to assist tertiary education providers in developing courses that are relevant to, and supportive of future job creation?

Eligibility: Use any open dataset to support your entry.

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.