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Team Hoa - SolarZero

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Evidence of Work

Solar Mana

Project Info

Team Hoa - SolarZero thumbnail

Team Name

Team Hoa - SolarZero

Team Members

Syam C , Thiru , Gokul , Arun Abilash , Praveen PL , Prasanna P , Kaviya and 1 other member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

Team Hoa, supporting thw commitment to building a sustainable future, we would like to suggest solutions, to discover and adopt solar energy. We would like supporting 2024 Climate Change and Sustainable Public Policy theme, and support improving the mindset of the people. Solar energy is critical to reducing carbon emissions, and we believe that simplifying the solar journey is essential for widespread adoption.

#solar #mana #solarmana #sustainability

Data Story

Empowering Homeowners Through Data:
Solar Suitability & Savings Calculator: Imagine a homeowner, curious about solar, simply entering their address into our tool. Instantly, they're presented with a personalized report. Using open data, geospatial information, and solar irradiance data, we analyze their roof's structure, orientation, and sunlight exposure to determine its solar potential. The magic lies in the accuracy - we factor in regional energy rates and their household consumption to provide a realistic estimate of potential savings over 20-25 years. No more guesswork, just clear, actionable data.

Interactive Panel Placement Visualization: We go beyond static images. Our tool leverages 3D modeling to create a virtual representation of their home, showcasing exactly where solar panels would be installed. They can even explore different panel configurations and see how they impact energy production. It's about turning data into an immersive experience that sparks excitement and fuels decision-making.

Quantifying Environmental Impact: We know savings aren't the only motivator. Our tool visualizes the positive impact on the environment. We translate energy savings into carbon emission reductions, showing homeowners how their choice contributes to New Zealand's climate action goals and the broader SDGs. It's about making the fight against climate change personal and tangible.

Elevating the Customer Experience, Championing ESG Goals:
Seamless User Journey: From the moment they land on our website, homeowners are guided through an intuitive, user-friendly experience. We use clear language, interactive visuals, and gamification elements to keep them engaged and informed. The journey from curiosity to solar adoption becomes smooth, empowering, and even enjoyable.

Beyond Traditional Engagement: We're not just providing a tool; we're building a community. Imagine homeowners sharing their solar journeys, comparing savings, and even competing in friendly challenges to reduce their carbon footprint. It's about fostering a sense of collective action and celebrating the positive impact we can make together.

Data-driven approach isn't just about selling solar panels; it's about empowering homeowners to make informed choices that benefit both their wallets and the planet. By leveraging data, visualization, and gamification, we create an engaging experience that inspires action, accelerates solar adoption, and contributes to a sustainable future for New Zealand. It's a win-win for our customers, our company, and the environment, perfectly aligning with our ESG goals.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Future trend

Description of Use To analyze the trend in new zealand energy space

Data Set

Solar boom in newzealnad

Description of Use used to come with the trends for designing app

Data Set

NewZealand Solar Energy Adoption

Description of Use Solar energy in New Zealand : Current Status: As of October 2022, there are 43,641 solar systems installed, contributing less than 1% to total electricity consumption1 Future Potential: Solar PV could make up 6% of New Zealand’s electricity supply by 2035, driven by decreasing technology costs. Research and Modelling: EECA’s TIMES-NZ model and other studies highlight solar as a key renewable energy source, especially from 2040 onwards. Commercial Viability: Falling module costs have made large-scale solar farms commercially viable, with several large projects proposed for the coming years.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

SolarZero Challenge: Driving Climate Action Through Self-Service Solar Discovery

As part of our commitment to building a sustainable future, SolarZero invites innovators to help us transform how homeowners discover and adopt solar energy. In alignment with the 2024 Climate Change and Sustainable Public Policy theme, this challenge focuses on creating a cutting-edge, self-service tool that empowers homeowners to explore their solar potential independently. Solar energy is critical to reducing carbon emissions, and we believe that simplifying the solar journey is essential for widespread adoption.

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.