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Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

Gabriel , Camille and 4 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Leveraging digital innovation, our app enhances tourist experiences with personalized trip planning, cashback rewards, and cultural gamification. By extending stays and encouraging local spending, we amplify visitor engagement and economic growth while showcasing the diversity of South Australia's attractions. Our dynamic app rolls out in different phrases:

v1.0 App: Personalized trip planning, cashback rewards, and cultural gamification. Main target family kids.
v2.0 Explore more regions: Expansion to offer diverse attractions beyond a single region.
v3.0 International backpackers: Increased target audience, catering to global travelers.
v4.0 Customizable games: User-created content with questions and maps.
v5.0 Augmented reality: Immersive experiences that bring attractions to life.

#sa2030tourismplan #exploresa #smarttourism #southaustraliaexperience #travelinnovation #culturalheritage #sustainabletourism #localadventures #globalattractieconomicgrowth #hiddengems #tourismtransformation #discovermoresa #digitaltravelcompanion #regionalrendezvous #metropolitanescapes #ecotourism #localbusinessboost #enhancedvisitorexperience #diverseattractions

Data Story

Background of South Australia 2030 Tourism Plan:

The South Australia 2030 Tourism Plan is a visionary roadmap aimed at catapulting the state into a global tourism hotspot. Rooted in the state's unique attractions and cultural wealth, this strategic blueprint guides efforts to redefine tourism experiences and propel economic prosperity.

Tourism Data Insights:

  • Domestic Tourism: Data reveals a growing trend of residents exploring their own backyard, igniting the plan's focus on encouraging locals to become enthusiastic advocates of South Australia's treasures.

  • International Tourism: With an upward trajectory in international arrivals, the plan capitalizes on this momentum by crafting immersive experiences that amplify South Australia's global allure.

  • Uniting Vision with Reality : By fusing the foresight of the Adelaide 2030 Tourism Plan with real visitor data, the app thrives on insights, enhancing experiences, economic impact, and sustainability, as we bridge the gap between aspiration and achievement.

Regional and Metropolitan Thrust:

  • Regional Tourism: The data underscores the significance of South Australia's regions, prompting targeted investments to elevate local attractions, enhance infrastructure, and kindle community engagement.

  • Metropolitan Tourism: Adelaide's allure as a vibrant hub is validated by data, prompting initiatives to spotlight its distinct character and amplify its appeal through enriching events and revitalized amenities.

Economic Prosperity and Sustainability:

  • The economic infusion from tourism highlights its pivotal role in South Australia's growth story, underpinning the urgency for sustainable practices that balance growth with environmental stewardship.

In essence, the South Australia 2030 Tourism Plan shapes an optimistic trajectory where data-driven insights converge with strategic actions, fostering a harmonious blend of economic dynamism, cultural celebration, and environmental stewardship.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

RSS feeds

Description of Use Ideally to include all the real time alerts to the app

Data Set

Earth Nullschool - awesome real-time weather app

Description of Use Ideally to include all the real time services to the app

Data Set

State Emeregency Service - REST API

Description of Use Ideally to integrate all the real time alert to the app

Data Set

South Australia Weather and Warnings

Description of Use Ideally to integrate all the real time information on the app.

Data Set

Total Expenditure for South Australia

Description of Use justify : SA regional vs metropolitan expenditure

Data Set

domestic and international visitors and visitor nights to South Australia and Australia

Description of Use justify - international vs national with the metric nights per visitors and compared with SA and across Australia

Data Set

Historical Performance in the south austrlian visitor economy

Description of Use Justify the app idea with SA tourism 2030 plan

Data Set

SA Heritage Places

Description of Use Store all the heritages in the database so that it will appear on the app.

Data Set

Points of Interest in the City of Port Adelaide Enfield

Description of Use To store all the attractions in the database. This dataset from Port Adelaide Enfield is an example. Ideally it includes all councils/cities.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Increase visitor expenditure through Smart Tourism

How can we use digital technology to "upsell" to visitors to South Australia by uncovering additional attractions and experiences and/or extending their stay?

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.

Highlight the diversity of South Australia's tourism product through gamification

How can we apply gamification to engage and educate young (South) Australians about South Australia's diverse tourism product offer and through this, influence key decision makers in their household to discover more of South Australia?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.