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Project Info

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Team Name


Team Members

5 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

“Responder” is a community platform (website) that connects the members of the community to help each other in a disaster and facilitates to coordinate efforts from NGOs and government. Data is used for preparing for a disaster, acting efficiently when is happening, and learning from it to build stronger communities.

Through visualization tools, information from data sets like shelter and emergency sites and meteorology can be accessed in an easy way and timely, so that community members and organisations are ready for disasters and know how to act. By using data about demographics, priority sites can be identified and tracked, which allows government and NGOs to prevent before a disaster and localize their efforts. Also, through real time communication channels community members can participate in a “network of help” to assist each other. In addition, by tracking, localizing and categorizing the needs of the communities, government and NGOs can act more efficiently when disasters happen. All the data is processed to learn from the event and build stronger resilient communities, lessons to be applied in the community itself and shared with other communities.
The next steps are to interview more potential users and tailor the platform to their needs and take the project to national level for a greater impact.
"Responder" has huge potential as a tool to act efficiently during disasters and increase preparation and readiness, allowing to use resources wisely but most importantly, making our communities stronger and keeping them safe.

Data Story

Shelter and emergency, Meteorology and Demographics.
Information from data sets like shelter and emergency sites and meteorology can be accessed in an easy way and timely, through visualization tools, so that community members and organisations are ready for disasters and know how to act. By using data about demographics, priority sites can be localized, which allows government and NGOs to prevent before a disaster.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Key demographic and socio-economic indicators by state and territory (as at August 2018)

Description of Use Information is used as a preventive tool to planning for the disaster, localizing territories, ideally, at neighbourhoods level, where more vulnerable people are located, in order to verify that infrastructure is adequate in those areas, and prioritize them during a disaster.

Data Set

SILO climate database

Description of Use We used it to incorporate it in the map, so that the users can see information about where a disaster is located, how strong it is, and we include the interpretation to inform the user what to do (e.g. stay home, safe to go outside) Information about the disaster is also shown in the Disaster Overview dashboard in the form of a table.

Data Set

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services - SES building locations

Description of Use We included shelter information in the maps for the users of the platform to visualize where shelters are.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Working Together

How can open government data to improve responsers' situational understanding and ability to plan their response, and share their information between agencies? How can sharing information between agencies be improved by different information presentation, allowing more informed decisions during domestic emergencies or national security events?

Go to Challenge | 20 teams have entered this challenge.

Litter Challenge

How might we prevent littering of fast food packaging?

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.

Community Disaster Challenge

How might we understand what makes communities strong in disasters?

Go to Challenge | 4 teams have entered this challenge.

Healthy Communities Challenge

How might we assist councils to build healthier and stronger communities?

Go to Challenge | 49 teams have entered this challenge.

Save Lives With Data

How can we use data and technology to better the health of the Australian population, and what could be the economic impacts?

Go to Challenge | 35 teams have entered this challenge.