Data Story
The objective or this project was to provide a mechanism that allowed Environmental and Infrastructure datasets to be included as part of the planning process when resourcing Events or responding to Incidents.
So our logic was to load all available data that may be a deciding factor for running an event or responding to and incident.
A start set of data was selected thinking of key infrastructure resources that would be important fro scheduling an event such as the commonwealth Games, ( Such as toilets, Parking, taxi)
Then we added a series of Environmental Datasets so that we could display that information to our users if it was potentially relevant to their event of incident response. This would be particularly relevant in the case of an incident like the black Saturday bushfires.
We have provided a data checking process where user can identify, tag and even add in data that has not been stored in the main data source ( IE add in a new Taxi Stand ( not shown on the map.
We have build a continuious model go ensure that the best data is available to everyone.