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Team Name:

Locked Down

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Evidence of Work

Re-energising 2170

Project Info

Team Name

Locked Down

Team Members

Arif , Hai Nguyen , Andres G

Project Description

Re-engergising our city center


Our project has a data analysis focus, we have analyzed various data sources to better understand both the immediate impact on the job market and local industry. Using this analysis we present some potential ideas that can be taken onboard to help the broader community recover from this global disaster.

Data analysis

Employment - Job Keeper affected areas

From an employment perspective using the Job Keeper, Job Seeker and taxation datasets to identify the worst affected areas.

Local Economy and community demographics

We then look deeper into the local economy and local demographics of the Liverpool City Council area. Census data was useful in understanding the ethnic background of the community as well as the age distribution of the community.

Crime analysis

Using a crime dataset we were able to put together some visualisations on the levels of crime in the Liverpool area as compared to the NSW average. These visualisations support improving the perception about crime in the area.



#covid19 #recovery2020 #covidrecovery #liverpool #liverpoolcitycouncil #thegreatsouthwest #hack-nsw #govhack2020

Data Story

We used the above datasets to gain a better understanding of the employment, local economy, community demo graphics and potential sources of relief for local businesses in the area.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

JobKeeper April and May fortnights - by postcode

Description of Use We used this dataset to analysee the impact COVID19 has had on the local job market

Data Set

Demographic data - ID community

Description of Use We used various datasets from here to identify the demographics of the community and businesses in the area

Data Set

Crime Tool Bocsar

Description of Use We used this dataset to identify crime trends within the Liverpool area compared to the NSW average

Data Set

Taxation Statistics 2017-18

Description of Use Used in conjunction with census data where we did some analysis on the businesses in the area.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Re-energising our city centre during the COVID-19 pandemic

In the midst of, and following, the COVID-19 pandemic, how can Liverpool City Council and the community use data to access the right information and tools to create a vibrant Liverpool city centre where people feel safe and the local economy can grow and prosper?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Industry assistance during COVID-19

How can we help identify and assist people in industries most affected by COVID-19?

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.