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Team Radio

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Evidence of Work

Project - Digital Culture

Project Info

Team Name

Team Radio

Team Members

5 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

We are trying to integrate the daily usage apps to educate people. Apps such as Google maps can be used to tell people interesting facts about the areas they are in

Data Story

We used data from GLAM LAB to analyse interesting facts about SA


Team DataSets

South Australian Museum Meteorite Collection

Description of Use Make up interesting facts

Data Set

Land Types of Southern South Australia (soil landscapes)

Description of Use To look at what area produces what

Data Set

Libraries Board of South Australia Annual Report data

Description of Use We used it to analyse the people who visit

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Digital Culture

How do we make our digital cultural heritage collections engaging for online audiences? What experiences should we be developing beyond the search and retrieve box to visualise gallery, library and museum collections online and encourage their reuse and good storytelling?

Eligibility: Must use at least 2 datasets from 2 separate institutions that make up the North Terrace Cultural Precinct Innovation Lab

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.