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Project 2301

Project Info

Team Name

Team 2301

Team Members


Project Description

Australia has experienced a substantial and recurring impact from the annual Influenza disease. This impact has been particularly pronounced within the Australian population. Despite the longstanding implementation of flu vaccination programs, the number of reported cases has consistently risen each year, largely attributed to the virus's rapid mutation rate. This ongoing mutation challenge has necessitated close collaboration with vaccine companies to develop targeted vaccines tailored to prevailing influenza strains.
To address this challenge, leveraging a sophisticated machine learning model, we have amalgamated a decade's worth of data on confirmed influenza cases. This database has enabled the creation of a robust data model, capable of providing insights into various dimensions of influenza prevalence. Specifically, the model elucidates specific timeframes (ranging from weeks to years) during which reported cases surge across different Australian states, concurrently identifying prevailing strains in each region. This groundbreaking model empowers the Australian health department with real-time capabilities to track and trace influenza infections, ensuring swift and strategic response measures.
Through rigorous analysis of the collected dataset, a notable trend has been observed—indicating the recurring emergence of certain influenza strains over successive years. However, our vision extends beyond retrospective analysis. Bolstered by the potential of an expansive database, coupled with the integration of a well-trained generative AI model, we foresee the capability to predict forthcoming influenza strain prevalence. This predictive prowess would greatly enhance vaccine development initiatives by providing advanced insights into potential strains, effectively pre-empting their spread and optimizing vaccine formulation.
The implications of this model's versatility transcend beyond influenza. Its adaptable framework holds the promise of addressing other infectious diseases, exemplified by its potential applicability to the likes of COVID-19. Furthermore, it has the capacity to facilitate the tracking of non-communicable diseases within Australia. By strategically harnessing the power of data-driven insights, a collective immunity strategy can be achieved, safeguarding the health and well-being of the populace. Ultimately, this Endeavor seeks to fortify the nation against the perils of infectious diseases, nurturing a healthier, happier population with the prospect of an improved life expectancy.

#influenza infection #australia #aits

Data Story

Data Acquisition:

Acquire the dataset from the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) maintained by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.
The dataset focuses on laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza spanning the years 2008 to 2021.
Gather data files that contain information about the reported cases, including demographics, geographic locations, date of diagnosis, and other relevant variables.
Data Preparation:

Load the acquired dataset into a data processing environment.
Clean the data by addressing missing values, inconsistencies, and anomalies that might affect the accuracy of analysis.
Ensure that the dataset is structured appropriately for analysis, with proper data types assigned to each variable.
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):

Utilize Tableau for EDA, a powerful data visualization and analysis tool.
Create visualizations such as scatter plots, histograms, box plots, and time series plots to understand the distribution and trends of influenza cases over the years.
Identify patterns, seasonality, and variations in the data that could offer insights into the spread of influenza.
Geospatial Analysis:

Leverage geographic data available in the dataset to visualize the regional distribution of influenza cases.
Develop interactive maps using Tableau that display the density of cases across different geographic areas in Australia.
Analyze whether certain regions experience higher influenza activity and whether there are any geographical clusters of cases.
Temporal Analysis:

Create time series visualizations using Tableau to examine the temporal trends of influenza cases from 2008 to 2021.
Identify seasonal patterns, annual peaks, and any deviations from the norm that might be indicative of unusual events or outbreaks.
Demographic Analysis:

Generate visualizations that break down influenza cases by demographic factors such as age, gender, and potentially other relevant attributes.
Analyze whether certain demographic groups are more susceptible to influenza or exhibit different patterns of infection.
Pattern Recognition and Interpretation:

Analyze the visualizations and patterns discovered during the EDA phase.
Formulate hypotheses and potential explanations for observed trends, spikes, or anomalies in the data.
Consider external factors such as vaccination campaigns, public health interventions, and changes in healthcare practices that might influence the influenza patterns.
Insight Generation and Reporting:

Summarize key findings and insights derived from the data analysis process.
Create a comprehensive report or presentation that highlights the trends, patterns, and potential implications of the influenza data from 2008 to 2021.
Use clear visualizations and concise explanations to communicate the findings effectively to relevant stakeholders, including public health officials, researchers, and policymakers.
In summary, the process involves acquiring, cleaning, and analyzing the influenza dataset from the NNDSS using Tableau to visually explore and interpret trends, geographic distributions, and demographic patterns of influenza cases spanning the years 2008 to 2021.



Team DataSets

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Challenge Entries

Using machine learning and generative AI to improve health outcomes

How can machine learning or generative AI be used to help Australians to live longer, healthier, happier lives?

Eligibility: Any submission that uses machine learning or generative AI for the purpose of improving the health and wellbeing of Australians, or provides a use case for using machine learning or generative AI for improving the health and wellbeing of Australians.

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.