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Pet Runner

Project Info

Petwitter thumbnail

Team Name


Team Members

Chandan , Stephanie Chow

Project Description

Pet Runner is an application which has been designed and developed to make your walking and running experience even better with your pet. With this application, you can easily find people who have pets around you and can accompany them with their pet so you and your pet both can have a quality time with the people who share the same interests as you. This application separates the parks which are specifically created for the pets and those created for the public. Most of the people don't know that pet specific parks are those in which you can make your pets exercise by making them run freely without leash and meet others who have pets too. So, our app is targeting specifically that audience. Due to COVID-19, lack of socialisation has been an issue across all world so, this application will help people to interact more with each other and go on adventures with them. This app is not only built for those who have pets. It can also be used by those who love running or walking. The application also has an emergency word feature which can make your experience more safe because if you are in trouble then this feature helps you get out of an emergency situation by just saying your chosen emergency word. By saying this word our application will send an SOS to 000 and your selected emergency contact. This application also shows you the areas of high risk based on the assaults happened in that area. This way you can just avoid going in such areas and save yourself from danger. This way the app provides safe interaction in public spaces with people.

#pet #dog #cat #public #interaction #social #walk #run #exercise #enjoy #play #parks #danger #emergency #green

Data Story

Our application has used a variety of data sets based on land usage across both Tasmanian and New South Wales. The data which shows which land has been acquired for what use and which land has more security concerns has been taken from the open data provided by both NSW and TAS. This app will be able to combine the public park data with the dog park area data which has been taken from both the open data made available by New South Wales and Tasmania. This app can be a great tool in the post pandemic world where users can interact and play with their pets along with their friends. Just like humans, animals have also been been suffering lockdowns which has made their mental health worse too because of sitting at the same place for whole day. So, this app can help in improving mental health and help people interact more after pandemic.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research Crime Statistics data.

Description of Use Used this data to show areas where there is a high chance of crime on the map in the application to keep the user updated on risk in an area.

Data Set

NSW Public Spaces data

Description of Use Used this data to find out about the public spaces in New South Wales and separate the pet park areas from the public park areas.

Data Set

LIST points of Interest

Description of Use Used this data to find out about the grounds/sports ground from the map to use in the application according to the location of the user.

Data Set

TASMAP National Park Index

Description of Use Used this data to find about the national parks in Tasmania for people to explore near their area.

Data Set

Parks Playgrounds 2014

Description of Use Used this data to separate public parks from the dog exercise areas to present on the map in then application.

Data Set

City of Hobart- Dog Exercise areas

Description of Use Used this data to find out about Dog parks in Hobart. This data is used to separate public parks from dog park areas in Hobart.

Data Set

Tasmanian Land Use 2019

Description of Use Used this data set to separate public park areas from the other areas on the map in the application. Using this data it will get easier to find out the parks near the people using the application.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

ACTIVATED Public Spaces

What makes a public space vibrant, walkable, and encourages people to dwell longer at different times of the day or night, and throughout the year?

Go to Challenge | 17 teams have entered this challenge.

BETTER Public Spaces

How do we help ensure everyone feels welcome and safe in public spaces (day and night) regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or identity?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.

The best use of Tasmanian Spatial Data

How can you use Tasmanian spatial data to improve life for Tasmanian residents or businesses?

Eligibility: Must use Tasmanian data.

Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.

Most outstanding benefit to the residents of Tasmania

How can we use Open Data to most benefit residents of Tasmania?

Eligibility: Must use Tasmanian data.

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.