Project Description
OpTiTech Navigation Systems is an mobile app that utilises the ACT road safety camera program. The app is designed to show you the traffic speed camera locations, as well as projections of traffic congestion. Interestingly, the app also gives live feed expiation notice system (ENS) data within a local area precinct. The app provides statistical information on volumes of expiation notice offences processed in the program. Road safety experts have evaluated that by using a Optic Navigation systems mobile app that the amount of speeding related offences has a tendency to be reduced by' 6% to 8%' on roads with mobile cameras . This reduction in speeds coincided with a '25% to 30%' reduction in serious injury crashes on roads where the cameras were being used. Finally, the evaluation of the program also showed that serious injury crashes at red light camera intersections dropped. Therefore, OptiTech's technological program is the one stop solution for road safety ; locally, nationally, or globally.
How do You use the app?
When you select 'nominate a location for a mobile speed camera' you will be prompted to use the interactive map to pinpoint the location you are nominating. The first step is all about entering columns into the data set which needs to be quickly searched. Real live feeds of columns in the dataset which will be used in the following jurisdictions :-
The month the offence was committed
The jurisdiction in which the vehicle is registered
The client category
Infringement type
Camera type
Camera location code
Location description
Offence description
Total infringement penalty amount
Total Infringement count
Withdrawn infringement amount
Withdrawn infringement count
Data set Type to be searched on the app.
Camera Type; This column displays the particular type of camera used in that location.
Camera location code; A code is assigned to each location.
Latitude; Latitude and longitude are combined to give a precise location on a map.
Location; describes the street, or cross-streets where the camera is located.
Location; the latitude and longitude for mapping purposes.
Data Story
Important Key words; SA Police SAPOL, blood alcohol ,cannabis, drink driving, expiation notices, expiation offence,fines, fixed camera mobile, camera ,police ,safety cameras ,smoking speeding traffic, light under the influence , and unregistered vehicle.