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Project Info

DataGurus thumbnail

Team Name


Team Members

Utkarsh Saxena , Jamie , PULKIT VERMA and 1 other member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

DataGurus is proud to propose our solution to AI in Governance: TransparenSee.

Every single day, thousands of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests (approximately 34,000 over a year) are lodged to various Australian government departments and agencies over various data and information requests.

The FOI Act 1982 provides the Australian public with the right to access documents held by the Australian Government. The purpose of this promotes transparency and accountability for citizens to question policies by the government of day. It represents major feature of Australian democracy.

Currently, most of the processes for FOI requests are handled manually. Users typically find a FOI request portal on a government website, input their request, pay if needed and after a few business days/ week, a government official will manually process their request for them.

This provides an area of improvement. TransparenSee is an AI-automated FOI processing tool. It is trained on historical data, will be able to handle and redact sensitive information based on an agency's data governance policies and will be able to streamline the FOI process freeing up time for staff to focus on more prominent areas. Time is saved, users get a faster turnaround and efficiency as well as productivity is improved.

The team has broken this down on a project plan and have answered the 6 high-level questions on how TransparenSee and its applications will boost efficiency, improve transparency, ensure ethical use, consider data privacy and security, build public trust and consider future adaptations of AI.

We hope you enjoy our proposed solution and plan.

Please refer to the PowerPoint presentation and video for further details of the solution.

Thank you,


#ai #transparensee #effective use of ai in public services #ai ethical use

Data Story

Our solution focused on analysing the trends AI in Governance and how it could apply to the public service across Australian and broader global context. Looking at areas such as booting operational efficiency, cyber considerations and ethic use and transparency.

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

This team does not currently have any datasets.

Challenge Entries

AI in Governance

How can governments use AI to boost efficiency and transparency in public sector operations while addressing concerns regarding ethics, data privacy, and public trust?

#AI in Governance

Eligibility: Open to everyone.

Go to Challenge | 35 teams have entered this challenge.