Project Description
Andele is a prototyping idea for a public transport mobile phone application. We believe that, by creating a new and more informative user experience when it comes to public transport, we can encourage more commuters to make use of public transport, thereby reducing traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. With the inclusion of low/no emission buses in many metropolitan areas, the more commuters we can get using public transport, the better. Data collected over the new service will also allow service providers to make more informed decisions on how best to provide, alter or expand their services to meet the needs of commuters.
Data Story
Data obtained from Open Data sources was manipulated in excel for validation and refinement to regional and time scales we considered useful for our project. Data was obtained on many different topics including customer satisfaction for public transport users, metropolitan vehicle counts, statewide collisions, nationwide census data on work commutes, and live feed data for QLD and NSW Public Transport services.
Having refined the data in excel, .csv files were read into RStudio to provide graphical representations and to model potential impacts of increased public transport usage in the coming years.