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Team Name:

Chamonix IT Solutions

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Evidence of Work


Project Info

Chamonix IT Solutions thumbnail

Team Name

Chamonix IT Solutions

Team Members

8 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Did you know that the Adelade metropolitan housing market can cost up to 56% more than regional areas (
Using government provided open datasets in conjunction with some freely available datasets, ‘Chamonix IT Solutions’ have identified the potential for showcasing regional South Australia, which over time will help drive government investment prioritisation for the regions. With a broad target audience not limited to those already looking to migrate, MySALife captures your specific interests and requirements for residency and matches this to regional areas that have similar strengths, growth potential, or an emerging industry to entice you to make the move.
With national datasets available, MySALife can compare the proposed regional location with others to make the location feel familiar. Additional potential exists to tie your interest in with ATO data, allowing MySALife to fine tune your results based on current/past employment industries and income, and overlay your known standing with the regional statistics to help you see if it’s a good fit for you.
Over time, BI reports on usage statistics will show government agencies what areas of interest people are looking for when considering migration, enabling smarter prioritisation of marketing and investment.

Data Story

Sitting behind the scenes of MySALife is a collection of select datasets from sources such as ABS, ATO,, ACARA (, with emphasis on key factors that drive residency decisions. Some of these factors include:
• Employment and business/industries
o Growth of positions/roles by area, small to large sized business growth etc
o Primary industry of region, growth of specific industries etc
o Distribution of part-time/full-time employment
o Unemployment rate
• Education
o Distribution of public/private schools, number of pre, primary, and secondary schools, enrolment statistics per school, NAPLAN results available upon application
• Healthcare
o Facilities available, coverage, local hospital(s) etc
• Cost of living and housing
o Average mortgage repayments, median house prices etc
• Quality of life/Environment
o Air/water quality, crime rate statistics,
o Average commute times etc
• And many more
Using tools such as BI, this information is displayed to the user in a meaningful way and help them through a discovery journey to help them make a decision on where to migrate.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

MyBroadband Results - Interactive map

Description of Use Used to add information regarding internet speeds for residential and commercial areas under the NBN. Can be significant for those wishing to work from home

Data Set

Family and Community, LGA, 2011 to 2018

Description of Use Used to capture property price in regional areas in contrast to metro areas as well as other significant data points such as income, employment, industry growth, average and media commute times by region etc

Data Set

Private Rent Report

Description of Use Summary of median private rent in South Australia by: suburb, postcode, State Government regions and Local Government Areas. Used to compare against other state information

Data Set

Fruit Fly Pest Free Areas

Description of Use Geo location of fruit fly pest free areas, a unique piece of information for SA

Data Set

DECD Education Locations

Description of Use Key information for education statistics by region

Data Set

Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits, June 2014 to June 2018

Description of Use Used to identify industry worth and growth potentials from trends

Data Set

Taxation Statistics 2016-17

Description of Use Used to compare/contrast income potential

Data Set

SA Water

Description of Use Used to access water quality information to help qualify Quality of Life sections

Data Set - ATO

Description of Use ATO specific information for statistics such as income by region

Data Set


Description of Use Used to collate various SA regional statistics, such as crime rates

Data Set


Description of Use Used to enhance the "education" criteria for matching and comparison

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Showcasing our regions

How might we promote South Australian regions to boost regional development?

Eligibility: Use any open dataset to support your entry.

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.

ATO for individuals

How can ATO and other Australian public data be used to help the community fill employment opportunities?

Eligibility: The participants need to use ATO Taxation Statistics.

Go to Challenge | 27 teams have entered this challenge.

Investing in Regions

How might the Government prioritise its investment in regional South Australia for greatest regional development benefit?

Eligibility: Use any open dataset to support your entry.

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.