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Project Info

Carbonara thumbnail

Team Name


Team Members

Angelina , Jo , Ralph , Angie , Felix , Khalid , Clement

Project Description

Welcome to MyCarbon!

MyCarbon is a mobile app designed to empower users to actively participate in reducing their carbon footprint by making informed choices about their transportation habits.

App Features

  • Carbon Emission Tracking: MyCarbon provides real-time tracking and insightful information about users' carbon emissions based on their vehicle type and usage.
  • Public Transport Promotion: The app encourages users to opt for greener alternatives such as public transportation by showcasing the environmental benefits.
  • Vehicle Upgrade Suggestions: MyCarbon suggests transitioning to lower carbon emission car models to help users make environmentally conscious choices.
  • Electric Vehicle (EV) Adoption: MyCarbon promotes the shift to electric vehicles (EVs) and offers reward systems to motivate users to make the switch.

Carbonara Scheme

At the heart of MyCarbon's sustainability approach is the Carbonara scheme, a unique rewards program that offers incentives to users who actively reduce their carbon emissions. This innovative system not only benefits the environment but also engages users in a meaningful way.

Financial Feasibility

MyCarbon's financial viability is grounded in its efficient Carbonara scheme and the app's low deployment and upkeep costs. By utilizing innovative technology, the project aims to ensure its sustainability while delivering tangible value to users and the environment.

Join the Green Movement!

With MyCarbon, individuals have the power to make a positive impact on the planet. By choosing greener transportation options, users can contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

#mycarbonapp #sustainabletransport #carbonfootprint #greencommute #ecofriendly #cleantransportation #gogreen #publictransport #evrevolution #carbonarascheme #reduceemissions #greenmobility #climateaction #lowemissionvehicles #greenchoices #cleanerfuture #climatefriendly #greentech #environmentalimpact #drivegreen

Data Story

We used three different datasets: Monitoring of CO2 Emissions from Passenger Cars, Amount of CO2 emissions by a vehicle depending on their various features, and Melbourne Live Traffic, to power MyCarbon's data driven insights on carbon emission offsets and reward systems. A detailed exploration on how these datasets are used are discussed in the report.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Monitoring of CO2 Emissions from Passenger Cars

Description of Use Extrapolating from Government data, we utilised this data to measure the different CO2 emissions of different cars with varying brands. This dataset has two main functions. First is to inform users of their carbon emission offset in g/km each time they choose to ride public transport, instead of their private vehicle. Second is to calculate the rating system by fuel efficiency in l/km - this is then used as one factor to classify how well the car performs in the star rating (explored in the report).

Data Set

Amount of CO2 emissions by a vehicle depending on their various features

Description of Use This data serves two main purposes: first is to determine how amount of CO2 emissions vary based on a car's features such as model, transmission, fuel type, and fuel consumption. Second is to calculate the rating system by carbon emissions in g/km - this is then used as one factor to classify how well the car performs in the star rating (explored in the report). This makes up one part of the formula to calculate emissions saved when using Public Transport instead of private transport.

Data Set

Melbourne Live Traffic

Description of Use With this data, we are able to estimate the buffer margin time by multiplying live speed with time taken, producing distance. This buffer distance is then used to calculate the emission produced with private transport. This makes up one part of the formula to calculate emissions saved when using Public Transport instead of private transport.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Measuring and reducing carbon emissions from physical infrastructure assets

Build a platform / solution to raise awareness of the importance of decarbonisation and to provide resources to help people and businesses make changes to their lifestyles and practices. By enabling a data-driven, collaborative, and user-friendly platforms for decarbonisation, Australia can accelerate its journey to net zero emissions.

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.