Project Description
Our vision for the weekend was to use emerging technology to create an application used in partnership with communities to promote and encourage active participation in the preservation and reconstruction of some of our most valuable and at-risk languages.
We’ve used Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and gamification to map not only languages, but also historical imaging of agriculture and seasonal farming migration throughout Australia.
We’ve used language datasets, APIs, GPS tracking, and image recognition to identify indigenous landmarks, words, and imagery to unlock stories in an informative and interactive game style play.
The virtual reality experience will be something that will be common in education in 2050, but can also be used by individuals for personal entertainment and education, as well as metropolitan city inhabitants, to test their regional options.
Partnering with, and using open data sets and community participation across Australia to ensure maintenance, and the growth of our application to be future resistant.
Data Story
Using the users location from the device we hook into the State Library of Queensland - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages word lists api to get the welcome message in the language and name of the local indigenous tribe.
The Rockhampton Regional Council Library data is used to add the local community stories to the application.
We use the Austlang Dataset and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages along with the user location to display the local indigenous tribe's names of places and objects within the application.