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Team Name:

Shaggy Breeches

Team Members:

Evidence of Work


Project Info

Shaggy Breeches thumbnail

Team Name

Shaggy Breeches

Team Members

Megan , Mark and 2 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Walking has many benefits, from individual health through to environmental sustainability. Lack of efficient and safe lighting at night can lead to risks, including visibility to drivers and trip hazards. These issues only become more pronounced at night. Not all areas are well-lit, but simply adding streetlights can create problems with light pollution.

Therefore we have analysed the areas with insufficient lighting to produce our "City of Fremantle Lights Map". This will provide people with a method of finding the most well-lit path to their destination, creating safer lighting for walking through Fremantle at night, and bringing greater nightlife to the area.

The cross-hatched sections represent areas where tree canopy cover may also impact on the effectiveness of the nearby streetlights.

The map also provides the locations of Transperth bus stops allowing users to assess if another, closer stop, might give them a brighter route to walk along.

#fremantle #street lights #map #canopy cover #roads #night #walking #public transport

Data Story

Using QGIS, a map was created of the City of Fremantle to show potential walking areas at night. The Local Government Authority boundary was filtered to the City of Fremantle and used as a boundary for the map.

Western Power streetlight locations
CSIRO vegetation canopy cover
Transperth bus stops
Main Roads roads
LGA boundaries

The data allowed us to:
Create a heatmap of streetlights
Shows areas of 20% or more tree canopy cover
Show where bus stops are in relation to areas of high/low night light.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Road Network

Description of Use Roads within the City of Fremantle were used.

Data Set

Urban Forest Mesh Blocks - 2016 (DPLH-042)

Description of Use Canopy cover of 20% and above was used to show where light from streetlights were probably blocked.

Data Set

Public Transport Authority Stops (PTA-001)

Description of Use Positions of bus stops within the City of Fremantle

Data Set

Streetlights (WP-043)

Description of Use Western Power streetlight positions within the City of Fremantle. Heatmap created showing density of lights.

Data Set

Local Government Authority (LGA) Boundaries (LGATE-233)

Description of Use Used to create boundary of City of Fremantle.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Most outstanding benefit to the residents of Fremantle

How can we use Open Data to most benefit residents of Fremantle?

Eligibility: Must use at least one open dataset.

Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.