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Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

Khushbu Patel , senthill , Keerthi

Project Description

Menteed is a market place to create a social productive group that can enable each other to support the community of workforce by joining the strategic workforce in addition to contributing to the economy by assisting fellow community members to up skill by consuming specific services provided on the digital platform. We achieve our mission with productive group —students & alumni, staff, and corporate, community and social partners by setting expectations, offering support through the digital platform, and delivering quality service with a commitment to cultural diversity enabling competency.

#employment #jobs #skills #unemployment #digitalplatform #digital

Data Story

-> Since past two decades the employment rate for South Australia has been increasing.
-> TrendAndSeasonality graph depicts that there is seasonality as well as an Upward trend in the employment rate of South Australia since two decades.
-> ARIMA model is used to forecast the employment rate for year 2020 and it is evident from the SAPreCovid image that the rate rises given no pandemic had occurred.
-> However, due to the Covid pandemic the employment rates falls in 2020 and the ARIMA model forecasts that the employment rate will gradually increase (slope is smaller as compared to the pre covid graph) post Covid pandemic.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

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Challenge Entries

Economic recovery, jobs and livelihoods in SA

Supply chains are the entire process of producing a good or service, from sourcing raw materials to distributing the final product to market. How can we contribute to SA's economic resilience by focusing on the challenges and opportunities presented by disruptions to supply chains?

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.