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Project Info

SeniorSavers thumbnail

Team Name


Team Members

2 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Markdown is our project which is both an open api platform and a proof of concept application built on this platform.

SSApi Open Data Platform
SSApi is an open data platform built using existing open data sets. It allows any organisation or individual to query for senior and companion card holder discounts offered by Australian businesses.

This platform aims to be a national centralized and open platform for storing business discount services.

We provide a number of APIS that allow you to discover businesses near your location, different categories or services and what discounts are available.

Markdown is a proof of concept application that provides a way for senior and companion card holders to find local Businesses offering discounted services. You simple select a category you are interested in and it will show all discounted services, promoting businesses within walking distance and showing the walking time to the business.

Data Story

SSApi Open Data Platform
We discovered that while Australian states and territories are currently capturing a large amount of discount datasets this data is not easily accessible and is sometimes missing key information.

This prevents senior and companion card holders from accessing this information and causes an inconsistency with the how it is provided.

We extracted different business discount datasets, cleaned them, processed them, and combined them in order to produce a single clean dataset.

While it isn't perfect it is now in a format that we can service from a central location and in a consistent format.

We built an api backend that is freely available. It allows any organisation to query what discount services are available, searching by location, and categories.

This promotes open data as this information is accessible to anyone and ensures that all discount services can be located in a central source for all Australian states and territories.

Our Application and use case of this data
We have build a proof of concept front end application called Markdown, this application takes the user's geolocation data using this to display all discount services nearby. It then promotes to the user the locations within walking distance, enticing them to walk.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Seniors Card Services

Description of Use We used this information to complement the other discount service datasets.

Data Set

Discount Search Data

Description of Use We have used this dataset to clean and add to the initial discount datasets. This provided some missing information.

Data Set

Business Discount Directory

Description of Use We have used this dataset, clean it, and processed it to serve for a base of the data user in our app.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Protecting our Carers

How can we motivate young carers to search out information on and engage with supports and services early in their caring journey, rather than when they’re in a crisis situation?

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Connected Communities Challenge

How can we help older Queenslanders to stay connected to the community to continue to live a fulfilling life?

Go to Challenge | 8 teams have entered this challenge.

Healthy Communities Challenge

How might we assist councils to build healthier and stronger communities?

Go to Challenge | 49 teams have entered this challenge.

Out of the Box - New take on data for regional development

Use an existing data set outside its normal context to both display and encourage innovate solutions to regional problems and promote and foster regional economic development.

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.