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Local Connect đź“Ť

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Local Connect đź“Ť

Project Info

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Team Name

Local Connect đź“Ť

Team Members

Alison Do , Wendy

Project Description

Target Groups:
1. Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (CALD) Communities: Migrants or non-native speakers may face language barriers in understanding their tax obligations and entitlements.
2. People with Special Needs (Disability, Unemployed, Special Health Conditions, Single Parents, Homeless,...)
3. People in the area that seek a trustworthy portal to access public services

Challenges of Local Councils and Support Services:
Limited Resources: Local councils often face constraints in budget and manpower, making it difficult to efficiently manage and deliver services.
Fragmented Data: Data across various departments and services can be scattered and unintegrated, leading to inefficiencies and difficulties in providing comprehensive support.
Service Access Issues: Vulnerable populations, including those with disabilities, the elderly, and non-English speakers, may struggle to access essential services due to physical or digital barriers.
Bureaucratic Complexity: Navigating local government processes can be complex and time-consuming, resulting in frustration for residents and inefficiencies in service delivery.
Transparency and Accountability: Ensuring transparency and accountability in decision-making and service delivery can be challenging, impacting public trust.
Data Privacy Concerns: Managing and protecting sensitive personal data while ensuring compliance with privacy regulations is a significant challenge.
Coordination Among Agencies: Collaboration between different departments and external service providers can be difficult, leading to gaps in support and duplication of efforts.
LOCAL CONNECT can act as a bridge to connect people, local council and the government. To support people living in remote area, the app works offline using the provided dataset by the local council.
The benefits of having Local Connect include:
Enhanced Data Integration: Local Connect data facilitates the integration of information from various sources, creating a unified view that improves decision-making and service delivery for both local council and the government.
Increased Transparency: By making data publicly available, local councils can demonstrate transparency in their operations, building public trust and accountability.
Improved Access to Services: Open data can highlight available services and resources, making it easier for residents to find and access support. It can also help identify gaps and areas needing improvement.
Better Resource Allocation: Analysing open data helps councils and service providers allocate resources more effectively, addressing high-demand areas and optimising service delivery.
Enhanced Public Participation: Open data empowers residents to engage with local governance by providing insights into decision-making processes and enabling informed public participation.
Collaboration with Non-profits and Community Organisations
It opens the opportunity to partner with these organisations to offer digital tools, educational workshops, and resources in their local communities. This ensures solutions reach the groups most in need and fosters trust through local engagement.
Environmental and Economic Impact Assessment:
With open data available on Local Connect, it’s possible to conduct environmental impact assessments (EIA) using local council biodiversity and land-use data, ensuring that renewable projects do not harm local ecosystems.
Supporting Pilot Projects for Renewable Energy and Gain Direct Feedback from the Community:
When starting with pilot projects in regions identified as high-potential, leveraging local council support and engaging communities from early on is crucial. Local Connect data can be the first contact, making the journey more possible.
The report feature on Local Connect can be leveraged to gain direct feedback from the community, making the Monitoring and Adjustment process easier. Regularly monitor project performance using real-time feedback to adjust for environmental changes and optimise renewable energy output across different regions.
In the end, councils that are pro-renewable energy can help facilitate smoother project development. This data provides the government a better understanding on the capability of each council body.

#localconnect #communityservices #governmentdata #arcgis #dataintegration #resourceallocation #fundingsupport #digitalinclusion #renewableprojects #gismapping #opendata #publicservices #communityengagement #smartcities #socialservices #transparency #datastory

Data Story

In a world where local councils, governments, and communities often operate in silos, the need for a centralized system that brings everything together is essential. Local Connect is a MyGov add-on designed to seamlessly bridge the gap between local councils, community services, and residents by using a data-driven approach. At its core, this platform connects various government databases, local councils, renewable projects, and community services to a visual map powered by ARCGIS, enabling both government bodies and citizens to make informed decisions and access vital services more efficiently.

Unifying Government Databases with Local Councils and Services
Government databases often contain critical information on everything from demographic data to available services, community programs, and funding allocations. However, accessing and making sense of this scattered information is a challenge for both councils and citizens. Local Connect aims to change that by integrating these databases into a centralized platform that local councils and community organizations can access.

Through this integration, Local Connect collects data from key sources such as:

Government Funding Databases: Information about available grants, subsidies, and funding for infrastructure, health, education, and environmental projects.
Local Council Records: Service availability, infrastructure data, and community programs specific to regions and localities.
Renewable Project Repositories: Data on renewable energy projects, pilot programs, environmental impact assessments (EIAs), and opportunities for community engagement in sustainability efforts.
Community Service Repositories: Information on social programs, housing, healthcare, disability services, and emergency relief efforts.
Visualizing the Data on ARCGIS
Once integrated, Local Connect utilizes ARCGIS technology to plot all the gathered data onto a visual map. This geographic information system (GIS) becomes a powerful tool that offers both the government and users the ability to visualize local needs, service availability, and areas requiring support.

For Governments and Local Councils:
Identifying Funding Gaps: With the visual representation of government databases plotted on ARCGIS, councils can immediately see which areas are underfunded. For example, rural or economically disadvantaged areas might have limited access to healthcare or renewable energy infrastructure. Councils can identify these gaps, ensuring that funding is allocated where it is most needed.

Prioritizing Services Based on Community Needs: The map provides an at-a-glance view of the services available in each locality, including social services, disability support, housing programs, and emergency relief efforts. Local Connect uses this data to analyze trends and help councils prioritize which services need to be expanded or improved.

Targeting Environmental Projects: Local Connect can pinpoint regions that would benefit from renewable energy projects based on the local population’s needs and available land data. It helps councils and governments allocate funding for renewable energy projects such as solar, wind, or bioenergy, and ensures that these projects align with community priorities and environmental standards.

Real-Time Data for Decision-Making: As local services update their databases, the map reflects these changes in real time, allowing councils to react swiftly to emerging needs, such as disaster relief, new housing developments, or public health crises.

For Residents and Users:
Customized Local Service Recommendations: Local Connect offers users personalized access to local services based on their profile, such as their location, age, language preference, and special needs. For example, if a resident is a single parent or part of a Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (CALD) community, the app will recommend tailored services such as housing assistance, language translation, or community education programs.

Location-Based Alerts and Opportunities: ARCGIS integration allows users to receive alerts about services, opportunities, or community activities near their location. Whether it’s a renewable energy pilot program, a health screening, or a job fair, Local Connect keeps residents informed about programs that directly benefit them.

Offline Accessibility for Remote Areas: One key feature of Local Connect is its ability to function offline. This is especially useful for users in remote areas who may not always have internet access. The platform will provide offline access to the essential services they need, empowering residents regardless of their location.

Enhancing Community Wellbeing Through Data-Driven Insights
The power of Local Connect lies not only in its ability to bridge gaps between data silos but also in its potential to improve the lives of residents. Through ARCGIS, government bodies and councils can now approach problem-solving with data-driven insights, ensuring more equitable and targeted service delivery.

Supporting Vulnerable Communities: Vulnerable populations, such as those with disabilities or the unemployed, can often fall through the cracks in service delivery. By identifying areas with high concentrations of vulnerable populations, Local Connect helps ensure that targeted interventions, such as affordable housing or mental health services, reach those most in need.

Improving Resource Allocation: Data insights also ensure that limited resources are allocated more efficiently. Councils can avoid wasteful spending in well-served areas and focus on funding projects that address real community needs. For example, the platform might reveal that certain regions lack childcare facilities or job training programs, prompting more strategic investments.

Transparency and Community Engagement: Local Connect also fosters transparency between governments and the public. The open data platform allows residents to track how funding is being used and offers channels for community feedback on local services, projects, and decision-making processes. This transparency builds trust between citizens and their local councils.

Accelerating Sustainable Projects and Community Resilience
The data-driven approach also extends to sustainability initiatives, including renewable energy projects. Local Connect can help drive forward these projects by mapping areas where renewable energy potential is highest, such as sunny regions for solar projects or windy regions for wind turbines. Councils can also use the platform to gather community feedback on renewable energy projects, ensuring that sustainability efforts align with public interest and gain community support.

By enabling detailed environmental assessments using biodiversity and land-use data, Local Connect ensures that renewable projects do not negatively impact local ecosystems. As the platform gathers data on environmental and social indicators, it supports the shift towards greener, more resilient communities.

Conclusion: Local Connect as a Catalyst for Change
Local Connect, powered by ARCGIS, represents a revolution in how local governments, councils, and communities connect, collaborate, and improve services. By unifying government databases, integrating renewable projects, and providing residents with easy access to local services, the platform empowers both decision-makers and citizens.

The ability to visualize community needs and funding gaps in real time transforms how resources are allocated, ensuring that vulnerable populations receive the support they need and that services are delivered efficiently. At the same time, Local Connect helps government bodies meet their transparency goals, driving community trust and participation.

Ultimately, Local Connect isn't just a tool—it's a catalyst for more inclusive, efficient, and sustainable communities.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Moreton Bay Community Directory

Data Set

Brisbane Community support Repository

Data Set

DITRDCA Geospatial Portal

Data Set

Queensland Solar Farm Guidelines

Data Set


Data Set

Australian Register of Clinical Registries

Data Set

What's the unemployment rate in your region? This data tells you

Data Set

Reasons people are not in labour force

Data Set

South Australia reported needing help in their day-to-day lives due to disability

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Improving the Accessibility of Online Government Services

How can we leverage AI to design inclusive digital solutions that ensure seamless and equitable access to essential services for people with disabilities?

#Improving Service Accessibility

Eligibility: Australia only.

Go to Challenge | 29 teams have entered this challenge.

Connecting Communities: Your Guide to local Information and Services

How can we assist local residents and visitors in easily locating local services and providing answers to frequently asked questions?

#Empower your community by making access to local information and services just a click away!

Eligibility: Open to all participants, including students, professionals, startups, and data enthusiasts.

Go to Challenge | 29 teams have entered this challenge.

Renewable Energy Site Selection Model

How can we optimally position renewable energy projects across Australia to maximize efficiency, minimize environmental impact and integrate seamlessly into the existing grid?

#Powering Tomorrow, Towards a Sustainable Energy Future

Eligibility: Open to all students and professionals with a background in data science, environmental science, engineering, or related fields.

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Civic participation for a more resilient, cohesive democracy.

How can we help more people to understand their democracy, have an opportunity to participate in civic life, contribute to their community, and/or feel a sense of belonging and responsibility?

#Civic Participation

Eligibility: Open to everyone. Submissions should use at least one government data source.

Go to Challenge | 27 teams have entered this challenge.

Factors that influence education, skills and training choices of young people

What factors impact the decisions of young people to commence and complete post school studies (Vocational Education and Training or higher education), including those that commence and complete an apprenticeship?

#Study success: Choosing the right study paths

Eligibility: Open to participants including university students and professional researchers

Go to Challenge | 17 teams have entered this challenge.