Project Description
Given the enormous problem of fast food packaging being littered all over Queensland, in our parks, streets, forests, waterways, beaches and oceans: this is causing enormous damage to our environment and health of our communities, as well as costing us millions of dollars in clean-up costs.
Our plan is to develop a practical solution that involves using a challenging yet entertaining gamification approach to foster awareness of the importance of preventing and/or cleaning up litter among the queensland communities. Our plan is to maximise the use of data sets such as the Litter auditing data from South West Queensland Litter Prevention Pilot Project, SoE2015: Main material types littered, SoE2015: Number of litter items in Queensland, joined with local government area datasets to bring factual data into the app that represents the true extent of the problem and brings a fun gaming approach to solving the issue that is aimed at changing people’s mindset and changing the culture of littering being everybody’s problem and everybody’s responsibility. We hope this gaming solution will go a long way in educating the younger generation about the responsibility of waste removal in schools.