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Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

Bharath Kumar and 1 other member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

Making visitor help information more agile and accessible to all

Data Story

We propose to implement a solution for Ballarat similar to Melba (Virtual assistant) and extend with integration to virtual devices such as Alexa/Google Home so that it can reduce the effort on Visitor booths.

NOTE: The videos and document URLs are for reference only and it is NOT our work.
Due to lack of time, we want to propose the idea and are willing to take it forward

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

This team does not currently have any datasets.

Challenge Entries

Immerse yourself in Ballarat

Ballarat is rich with history and adventure. Visitors may come alone, with friends, or as a family. Some from the other side of the world and other, just down the road. How can we help visitors plan their adventure around the City of Ballarat?

Eligibility: Use at least 1 City of Ballarat dataset from Use at least 1 transport dataset.

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.