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Team 2399

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Drive Smart

Project Info

Team Name

Team 2399

Team Members

Kamal kharel , Bishnu Thapa

Project Description

Drive Scam is a hardware that will monitor all the activity of the driver

#road trauma #traffic accidents #road safety #vehicle collisions #traffic injuries #road crashes #driving accidents #road accident prevention #car wrecks #safe driving #road injury prevention #road traffic incidents #traffic fatalities #accident awareness #roadway dangers #motor vehicle crashes #roadside safety #collision prevention #traffic law enforcement #road emergency response.

Data Story

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

This team does not currently have any datasets.

Challenge Entries

Getting home wherever you live.

Road traumas are devastating for school communities. How might data help develop localised solutions to reduce these rates?

Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.