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Team Name:

Serendipitous Incorporated

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Evidence of Work

CrocSafe Alerts

Project Info

Team Name

Serendipitous Incorporated

Team Members

Patrick , Jess and 3 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

CrocSafe Alerts aims to help inform those in the Northern Territories about the location of crocodile thru localised alerts and reports. Similar to local hazard alerts, this platform aims to track crocodiles movements in real time using drones and user sightings. These sightings will then be displayed on the map along with other vital information. to This project also aims to educate the populace and tourists about crocodiles in general.

We intend to provide a user-friendly experience to help those who are near the areas in which crocodiles inhabits.

In regards to the design of our platform, we took inspiration from a few sources mainly from the Australia Zoo and Queensland Government. We think that we can adapt these models to work with the NT as well.

#safety #crocodile #alerts #childsafe #localareaalerts #sightings report #public safety

Data Story

We've taken into account the reach of our platform via the first dataset.

Key Data we've used:

NT Mobile Phone coverage

Team DataSets

This team does not currently have any datasets.

Challenge Entries

There are no challenge entries to display for this team as yet.