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Cracking the IP Code: Gender, Industry and Innovation

Project Info

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Team Name


Team Members

Peter , Jahin , William , Usi , segun kayode , Izabella , Shayaan and 3 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

'Cracking the IP Code: Gender, Industry and Innovation' utilises a Power BI interactive dashboard to illuminate female-led contributions in Australia's IP landscape, drawing insights from the 2022 Australian IP Report's Chapter 7. The dashboard offers an interactive exploration of industry involvement, and diversity growth over time while spotlighting key female innovators. Through this project, users gain a holistic understanding of the evolving role of diversity in Australia's innovative endeavors.

#femaleledinnovations #ipaustraliadiversity #genderpositiveip #techtrends2023

Data Story

Before diving into the analysis, we familiarised ourselves with the IPGOD2022 dataset. This involved examining the structure, columns, and types of data available.

Extract relevant data from the IPGOD2022 dataset:
The top applicants for patents, trademarks and designs.
The industries or technologies the top applicants are active in.

External research is required since the dataset might not have direct information about whether a company is female-led or has female-friendly policies. This includes searching the following for the top applicant:
- Leadership initiatives
- Hiring and diversity policies
- Awards and/or recognitions

Once we have the necessary data, we analyse it to:
- Determine the percentage of top applicants that are female-led.
- Discover how many female-friendly hiring policies or favourable gender/sexual diversity policies are in place.
- Identify the industry or technology that the organisation is active in.

Represent our findings visually, such as pie charts and bar graphs.

Based on our analysis, we provide insights such as trends or patterns we have observed as well as the following:
- Which industries have the highest percentage of female-led companies among top IP applicants?
- Are there specific industries where female-friendly policies are more common?

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

IPGOD2022 - Dataset -

Data Set

IPGOD2022 | Datasets | - beta

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Diversity in IP Rights System

Out of the top applicants for patents, trade marks and designs to IP Australia, how can we find out how many are female led, have female friendly hiring policies or otherwise have positive gender/sexual diversity policies, and what industries/technologies are they active in?

Eligibility: Must reference the IP Report - Australian IP Report 2023 | IP. In particular Chapter 7 – Diversity and Innovation.

Go to Challenge | 4 teams have entered this challenge.