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Climate Change, Water Security and Education

Project Info

inclusivIT thumbnail

Team Name


Team Members

Dean Nguyen and 8 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Our Aims
Our aims are to generate new and innovative ideas to educate the community to be more water efficient. Is there a better way to educate and engage our youth and community to understand how much water we use, how we use it, how we can save it?
We examine the lack of assistance to people with disabilities in Australia overall and in the Northern Territory. And attempt to address ways to educate young students (and the community) accordingly.

Our Projects
- Create an app (website) to show a map of risk of heat regions, also on the map points to the public fountains are placed for people, commuters and tourists to drink and refill their reusable bottles in the public areas, the fountains can save around 155,000 single-use plastic bottles in a year. Down below a screenshot of the video from World Economic Forum page
- Support the website with function to calculate how much the individual or families water usage and educate the community on how to use water wisely and effectively
Support our website with games for kids to educate them of the problem and what is the right way to use water at home, school, garden and in our daily lives.

Our Team
Our team, inclusivIT, is a bunch of web students past and present, their teachers and a couple of non-IT members thrown in for good measure. People of all ages and abilities – a cheerful bunch! We wanted our project to be something that would foster an inclusive community and enhance the use of public facilities for people living with a disability. Our inspiration came from one of our team members – her name is Irena and she is profoundly deaf. When we asked Irena to be part of the team, she must have been apprehensive. How to be part of a group that thrive in noise when you are locked in silence? And we were apprehensive too. We wanted her to feel welcomed but did not know quite how to engage with her in a genuine and congenial way. If it started out a bit awkward, we soon forgot about any difference. We used our mobile phones and Slack app to type messages back and forth, it was easy, we had a lot of laughs - although a person we should not name was a bit slow on the fingers’ work and chose to use the good old pen and paper to ‘talk’ to Irena. We won’t judge that person: we’re all for inclusion!

More evidence of work

Summary & Recommendations:
This idea is really helpful not only for drought regions but for Australia at large. The concept of refilling water bottles thus reducing the creation of plastic waste due to the consumption of single-use plastic bottles is a huge step towards conservation of our waterways and oceans and limiting the ingestion of plastic matter by our wildlife and sealife.
Educating and training young minds to be responsible citizens and custodians of the planet will ensure our survival and a greener planet.

Data Story

How do we best provide education to our young students with disabilities? We explore the datasets and propose some solutions.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Child Friendly Alice Springs

Description of Use Child Friendly Alice Springs Community Profile. We review the information from the 40-page profile to find data relating to assistance for children with disabilities. It appears the growing community would require much more support for children with disabilities.

Data Set

Department of the Environment and Energy Australia

Data Set

Liverpool Smart Pedestrian project

Data Set

LMIP Portal

Data Set

Sydney Water

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Innovative ways to be efficient with water

Innovative ideas about water efficiency. Climate change means that we will have more unpredictable weather. Some of Australia is in drought and some areas have plenty of water. That changes each year. Water efficiency was a focus around the millennium drought. We want new, innovative and untapped ideas on ways to be efficient with water use. These ideas could include how we use water, how we can save water, how we waste water, how everyone can make a difference in using water wisely, water rules and ideas on saving water for the future.

Eligibility: Australia Only

Go to Challenge | 26 teams have entered this challenge.

🌟 Pedestrian and Air Quality Sensor Data

How might we improve users’ experience of their city by using data from pedestrian and vehicle counters and/or air quality sensors?

Eligibility: Use any open dataset to support your entry.

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.

Water – From source to tap.

Ideas to engage upper primary and lower secondary school students (with advantages for community learning) in learning about the water cycle (source to tap). We want them to understand where water comes from (sources), the different types of water (drinking, recycled, classes of water), how and why it is treated (health), how we move it (infrastructure) and how we use it (drinking, cooking, commercially, fires, toilets, sanitation, washing, in the home). The ideas should highlight why water is so important for our survival. Ideas should be fun, interactive and educational. The engagement should be relevant to the Australian School Curriculum, adaptable to water organisations and schools around Australia and sustainable.

Eligibility: Eligibility Jurisdiction - Australia only

Go to Challenge | 19 teams have entered this challenge.

🌟 What's the coolest way to travel across the city?

Using datasets which map urban heat and green cover across Greater Sydney, we challenge you to develop a tool which visualises green routes through the city. Help people avoid urban heat and move across the city in comfort by mapping out green streets and pathways which connect shopping centres, public transport stops and public spaces.

Eligibility: Must use at least the Urban Heat & Green Cover dataset(s) from the SEED portal.

Go to Challenge | 18 teams have entered this challenge.