Project Description
The project aims to empower government, companies, social groups and individuals to make their well informed big decisions through existing Gov data. Government makes decisions every day—with long term consequences such as the location of a school, or on a small scale such as the rostering of helpdesk staff. Decisions from individual also matter, such as where to buy their first home. Such decision could make an significant impact to their rest of life. Climate change is here! How do we make this personal to the citizens of Australia through data? How do we show them the impact of rising temperatures, erratic weather patterns, increasing drought & floods, rising sea levels?
Our solution consists of an immersive data experience through AR / VR to view the area of interest with data from Gov (climate and environment data) and private sector (real estate prices for example) overlayed . The viewer can then move a slider to change their risk profile, for example, to change the projected environment information and view this to make more informed decision. We provide a vision of the data platform as we see it evolving through continuous feedback via events like GovHack!
Here are a list of changes we aim to tackle
Bounty: Decision Support
Bounty: Is seeing truely believing?
Bounty: Making open data more open.
More than apps and maps: help government decide with data
Show Us The Numbers
SEED - Open Data with a Purpose
What do you want from government data challenge?
Urban Heat Challenge
Data Story
The main data we use consist of wetland of Australia, Temperature Data collected from Parramatta LGA, IPCC AR4 Sea Level Projections, House Prices from In this project, we have included wetland, temperature and sea level as our climate change factors/variables against house prices. For future work, we can scale the product to make other decisions other than property investment and include as many factors as possible.
Wetlands of Australia
Coastal wetlands are most at risk due to climate change. Understanding the impact of climate change and more specifically of sea-level rise on coastal wetlands must take into account factors that affect the ecological balance of wetland ecosystems
Temperature Data collected from Parramatta LGA
The temperature data set for Parramatta will be used to feed into the visualisation we have for the climate change. We want to use the information and also combine with a data set similar to climate change in Australia
IPCC AR4 Sea Level Projections
Projections for global averaged sea-level change for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report (IPCC AR4) were based on global climate model simulations completed as part of an internationally organized set of climate simulations called CMIP-3. The Sea-level rise projection from 1990 - 2100 is used to calculate the water rising in and around sydney wet lands.
House Prices
The data is collected form The data showcase prices of several properties in Parramatta suburb.