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Digital Dynamos

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Evidence of Work

Charge ACTion

Project Info

Digital Dynamos thumbnail

Team Name

Digital Dynamos

Team Members

Ruchita , Supraja Sridharan , Meng , Esther , Wendy , GARY , Mia and 3 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Project Description for Gov Hack 2023 Submission

Team Name: Digital Dynamos

Project Name: Canberra ACTion

The rapid rise in electric vehicles (EVs) offers a sustainable alternative to traditional gasoline cars, promising a greener future for our cities. Recognizing this shift, our project, "Canberra ACTion," aims to design an optimized blueprint for the distribution of 180 EV charging stations across Canberra by 2025, and beyond.

The beauty of Canberra, as with any urban landscape, is its diversity. However, this diversity also means that while many residents can charge their EVs at home, a significant number cannot due to living arrangements such as apartment complexes, rental agreements, or simply being a tourist. These demographic groups rely heavily on public chargers, necessitating a comprehensive strategy for the installation of both fast and slow charging stations.

Our approach integrates various data sets to derive actionable insights:

  1. Spatial Analysis: Using ACT's geospatial data, we've mapped Canberra's layout to pinpoint potential charging station locations. These are strategically placed considering the city's structure, ensuring stations are neither too clustered nor too sparse.

  2. Common Locations Analysis: Leveraging data on shopping malls, community facilities, and other popular spots, we've considered the average 'dwell time' to determine whether a location is more suited to a fast or slow charger. For instance, shopping malls, where individuals spend several hours, are ideal for slow chargers, while fast food outlets or coffee shops might benefit more from fast chargers.

  3. Demand Analysis: Using the ACT Population Projections and Electric Vehicles Registration Number datasets, we've created projections of EV growth in Canberra. This helps in assessing the 'need' for chargers, whether that 'need' is defined by high demand areas, locations alleviating 'range anxiety' for long-distance trips, or neighborhoods with a high density of residents unable to charge at home.

  4. Incentive Analysis: Our study also delves into how the placement of charging stations could potentially incentivize more Canberrans to switch to EVs. For instance, installing chargers in popular tourist spots or scenic areas might encourage more weekend drives in EVs.

  5. Feedback Loop: A key aspect of our model is its adaptability. As more data becomes available on EV driver habits, the model can be refined to better match the actual needs of Canberrans.

In conclusion, "Canberra ACTion" is more than just a project; it's a vision for a cleaner, greener Canberra. By integrating multiple data sets, the Digital Dynamos have crafted a blueprint that not only meets the immediate charging needs of EV drivers but also anticipates future growth and challenges. As Canberra continues to embrace the EV revolution, our project ensures that the city's infrastructure is ready to support every drive, every journey, and every adventure in an electric vehicle.

#actelectriccharging #canberraev #zeroemissionact #evchargingnetwork #publicevchargers #canberraroads #homecharging #touristevcharging #fastvsslowchargers #evdriverdata #chargingstationplacement #chargerdwelltime #rangeanxietyrelief #evuseincentive #actgeospatial #electriccanberra #actevfuture

Data Story

The dawn of the electric vehicle (EV) era is upon us, and Canberra stands on the precipice of an exciting transformation. Our project delved deep into the intricacies of EV charging stations, their placements, and the potential challenges that lie ahead.

The backbone of our research was the comprehensive datasets provided by the ACT Government. The "ACT Population Projections" dataset was particularly instrumental in understanding population growth and the corresponding anticipated surge in EV usage. We extrapolated this data to estimate the number of EVs that would roam the streets of Canberra in the coming years. The "Electric Vehicles Registration Number" dataset shed light on the current rate of adoption of EVs, while the "Total vehicles registered in the ACT" dataset provided a holistic view of the vehicular landscape.

One of the glaring gaps we identified was the lack of comprehensive data on EV driver habits. To overcome this hurdle, we devised a data model that factored in Canberra's unique layout, considering the distances between major hubs, the 'dwell time' at common locations, and the specific needs of distinct user groups such as apartment dwellers, renters, and tourists. Our model also took into account the types of chargers – the fast ones for quick pit stops and the slower ones suitable for longer 'dwell times'.

In our analysis, we considered 'need' from multiple perspectives: the sheer volume of potential users, the strategic importance of certain locations for long-distance travelers, and areas with a high density of residents with no home-charging options.

Ultimately, our project not only addresses the immediate need for EV charging stations but also posits the idea that well-placed charging stations could serve as catalysts, incentivizing more Canberrans to make the switch to EVs.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets


Data Set

Electric Vehicle Public Charging

Data Set

Electric Vehicles Total Chargers

Data Set

Australian EV Charger Map

Data Set

Total Vehicles registered in ACT

Data Set

Google maps - Nearest location data

Data Set

Nominatim API - for geocoding (converting address to latitude and longitude)

Data Set

ACTQP HTS - Trip Count Categorised by Trip Purpose

Data Set

ACTQP HTS - Average Trip Distance Categorised by Transport Method and Trip Purpose

Data Set

Electric Vehicles Total Chargers

Data Set

Electric Vehicles Registration Number

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Charging Electric Vehicles in the ACT

The ACT’s zero-emission vehicle strategy includes several incentives to purchase EVs, as well as a plan to expand the public charging network to 180 charging stations by 2025. To build this network of charging stations, it is important that government understands where the greatest need for chargers is across the territory. How can this be measured, and how can we assess the effectiveness of public EV chargers in Canberra?

Eligibility: Must use at least one ACT Government data set, either from the Open Data Portal ( or the Geospatial Catalogue (

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.