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Team Name:

TelStars - CareerFinder

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Evidence of Work


Project Info

TelStars - CareerFinder thumbnail

Team Name

TelStars - CareerFinder

Team Members

Ben , Vivek , Thiru , Praveen PL and 2 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

We live in a fast changing world, climate change, digitization and COVID-19 are causing old industries and occupations to be disrupted & supplanted by new ones and people are looking to make lateral career changes.

The National Skills Commission has excellent information on the skills required in this changing workforce, but the website is designed for data nerds. Not Job Hunters.

CareerFinder is a simple web app to help job seekers navigate diverse career options by:
- identifying their existing skills & core competencies
- match skills to alternate occupations
- identify missing skills and training opportunities

CareerFinder navigates experienced workers to switch to a different career of their interest & graduates to land on their first career of their interest.

#telstars #infosys #careerfinder #navigateyourpassion #australianationalskillsclassification #careerchange #findnewjobs #unemployment #pandemic #covid19 #digitization

Data Story

Australian Skills Classification Dataset (Australian Skills Classification 12-03-2021.xlsx) & Australian Skills Classification BETA release discussion paper available in has been used for this prototype.

The above said data has been used in the CareerFinder app to identify missing skills and training opportunities for the job hunters seeking alternate occupation of their interest.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Australian Skills Classification Dataset

Description of Use Australian Skills Classification Dataset (Australian Skills Classification 12-03-2021.xlsx) & Australian Skills Classification BETA release discussion paper available in has been used for this prototype to navigate experienced workers to switch to a different career of their interest & graduates to land on their first career of their interest.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Exploring the National Skills Commission’s Australian Skills Classification

How can the general public learn about and be encouraged to interact with the Australian Skills Classification to identify skills within occupations, identify their own skillsets and identify transferability to other occupations of interest?

Eligibility: Participants must use the Australian Skills Classification dataset.

Go to Challenge | 25 teams have entered this challenge.