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Team Name:

Atomic Northerners

Team Members:

Evidence of Work


Project Info

Atomic Northerners thumbnail

Team Name

Atomic Northerners

Team Members

Alice , Gerallt , Guo-Wei Hung , Harry , Bryan

Project Description

This project will try and build Citizen’s Trust in this Digital World
using a blockchain approach to store key-value items with access control
to show who is allowed access to what type of granular data.

This project in its proof-of-concept stage and utilises Tasmanian Heritage data by collecting it and storing it
using blockchain technology.
The data provides a list of the permanent and provisional entries on the Tasmanian Heritage Register by name and address.

The prototype includes a blockchain explorer website that shows blocks and transactions and shows key-value pairs
stored by authoritative data verifiers.

The blockchain explorer website communicates with an underlying blockchain program written in Go.

#golang #html #javascript #blockchain #data digitization #data verification #tasmanian heritage data

Data Story

We extracted data from the heritage register entries dataset and cleaned it up to use it
as a test case for our blockchain to see if it was possible to digitise this type of data on the blockchain.
Postcodes are stored as keys, with the remaining information stored as values.
User can find the data by a blockchain address, or by searching for a specific key.
We used this data as a test case as base parameters to determine the capability our blockchain needs to provide.
This test case aims to implement the base functionality for the real-world use of the blockchain
which is for heritage Tasmania to issue the certificates for the registered buildings.

Our blockchain can issue the official record certificate for a heritage-listed place with the current process requiring filling out
a form and emailing it out to the Tasmanian Heritage Council for a $40 fee.
We are not trying to replace this existing process, however,
the blockchain can issue these types of certificates in a digital representation that verifies a hard copy.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Tasmanian Heritage Register Entries as at January 2021

Description of Use We extracted data from the heritage register entries dataset and cleaned it up to use it as a test case for our blockchain to see if it was possible to digitise this type of data on the blockchain.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Building Citizen’s Trust in this Digital World

In order to access online services, citizens need to give their consent for their data to be used. How do you gain their trust that their data will be used appropriately?

Go to Challenge | 8 teams have entered this challenge.

The best use of Tasmanian Heritage Data

How can we use data to showcase Tasmania’s history, people and stories?

Eligibility: Must use Tasmanian data.

Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.

Most outstanding benefit to the residents of Tasmania

How can we use Open Data to most benefit residents of Tasmania?

Eligibility: Must use Tasmanian data.

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.