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Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

4 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Aquavo is a crowdfunding charitable organization to purchase/reserve water for more water-efficient usage and environmental water.
Through algorithmic trading, we will optimize the amount of water preserved and redistribute water to encourage water efficiency.
Contributors will subscribe while being incentivized by tax reduction, carbon offset credits, and educational impact. Furthermore, this helps with the social image of the contributors and can raise awareness regarding water resources.

Data Story

AquaAlgo water trading system purchases water allocation credits using data science to optimize the contribution to efficient use and environmental water flows. This Machine Learning system analyzes data such as the river flow, rainfall amount, water trading prices, weather forecast, and Natural Language Processing analysis of River Murray flow reports.

Tables created are in the following links (also included under evidence of work):;

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

All Data Sets Used

Description of Use Data extracted using Python from datasets

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Showcasing our regions

How might we promote South Australian regions to boost regional development?

Eligibility: Use any open dataset to support your entry.

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.

Helping a social impact ‘start up’ (small organisation) to tell their story

Small and informal community/interest groups who have formed to solve local problems need data to know if their activities are making a difference and to re-design programs. How can we help these groups tell their story through data so they can seek support (political, financial, and on the ground) by showing how their programs are working, and decide where to focus next?

Eligibility: Use any open dataset to support your entry.

Go to Challenge | 23 teams have entered this challenge.


How can we protect and preserve our water resources?

Eligibility: We suggest you consider using the Queensland Government open datasets on

Go to Challenge | 22 teams have entered this challenge.

Innovative ways to be efficient with water

Innovative ideas about water efficiency. Climate change means that we will have more unpredictable weather. Some of Australia is in drought and some areas have plenty of water. That changes each year. Water efficiency was a focus around the millennium drought. We want new, innovative and untapped ideas on ways to be efficient with water use. These ideas could include how we use water, how we can save water, how we waste water, how everyone can make a difference in using water wisely, water rules and ideas on saving water for the future.

Eligibility: Australia Only

Go to Challenge | 26 teams have entered this challenge.

Optimise energy and water resource planning

Optimise energy and water resource planning

Eligibility: Use any open dataset to support your entry.

Go to Challenge | 32 teams have entered this challenge.