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Team Name:

42 Adelaide

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Evidence of Work


Project Info

Team Name

42 Adelaide

Team Members


Project Description

1DATA is an initiative working to improve the data and information sharing practices between governments and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations to Close the Gap.

1DATA addresses these needs and gaps through 3 target areas:

This is a means of creating accessible, culturally informed, respectful and inclusive data. It takes a ‘for mob, by mob’ self-determination approach, where data collation, analysis and interpretation is completed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, to account for inclusivity and insight of cultural context which may affect or inform data. This way, first Nations peoples may act as a ‘cultural broker’ during mediation between Australian data management, and assist in the adoption of culturally responsive policies within these organisations.

This target focuses on implementing greater tech and data-handling subjects in remote schools, to fill the gap for ‘technology’ in STEM learning. This may be completed in collaboration with CSIRO’s STEM Education Project, which has implemented a combination of STEM learning with traditional First Nations ecological knowledge. In 6 years 24 000 students and 600 schools have been reached. Furthermore, the 1DATA ‘Mobhack’ initiative is a means of creating awareness and ownership over data. This presents as a quintessential opportunity to provide data education and awareness within communities, and to open the doors to data to all.

The 1DATA Community outreach program is a means of promoting awareness, involvement and action through community. It includes an user-friendly platform which showcases data statistics in an empowering manner, with minimal technical jargon, for viewing and use for those without specialist knowledge in data and technology. This readily available information will be accessible for First Nations community-led groups, councils and researchers to access and use.

#govhack2023 firstnations closethegap dataequity

Data Story

The current climate of the data industry as a space for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples has a great cultural disconnect, in terms of implementation of Western ideologies used to understand and interpret data relevant to First Nations peoples. A prominent sentiment is present amongst Aboriginal communities, of being studied ‘under a light’ by non-Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander counterparts.

In the area of data management and community action, First Nations peoples have reported a need for community-controlled, strengths-based organisations, increased involvement in the data management process, and ownership and accessibility of data.

In the area of education and employment - research has highlighted that not only is there a gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous employment rates, but this gap increases as remoteness increases, flagging a greater need for employment in remote areas. The 2014-2015 ABS National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey identified some of the greatest self-reported barriers to employment were: shortage of available and suitable jobs, geographical barriers and insufficient education. In terms of education, the 2018 PISA identified a decrease in Australian students’ performance in mathematical and scientific literacy.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Programme for International Student Assessment, 2018 PISA in Brief | Student Performance

Description of Use Table 1.1 'Changes in performance in reading literacy, mathematical literacy and scientific literacy, over time until 2018, within Australia' shows a decrease in performance in all areas, including mathematical and scientific literacy.

Data Set

AIHW Analysis of ABS 2016a, 2016b, 2019a, 2019b.

Description of Use Indicates Indigenous Australians were “over-represented in labouring, community and personal service occupations, and under-represented as professionals and managers relative to the working age non-Indigenous population. This was also reflected in industries of main employment, where Indigenous Australians were over-represented in the construction, public administration and safety sectors, and were under-represented in the professional, scientific and technical services sector." Indicates gap for First Nations peoples in professional, scientific and technical services, in professional and managerial occupations. 1DATA focuses on increasing opportunities which balance First Nations representation across industries.

Data Set

ABS 6227.0 Education and Work, Australia, May 2018

Description of Use This dataset was used in conjunction with dataset (ABS 4715.0 Australian Bureau of Statistics 2019, Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey 2018-2019)

Data Set

ABS 4715.0 Australian Bureau of Statistics 2019, Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey 2018-2019

Description of Use Shows consistent approx. 15-45% gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous employment rate, across remoteness rates. The gap increased as remoteness increased.

Data Set

ABS 4720.0 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey: User Guide, 2014-15

Description of Use Provides qualitative, self-reported data. It outlines self-reported employment barriers which need to be addressed in the implementation of 1DATA: shortage of available jobs (increase tech job market for First Nations Australians), geographical barrier (prioritise and target remote areas), and insufficient education (integrate tech in school curriculums)

Data Set

2021 ABS Census of Population and Housing

Description of Use This data shows employment rates decreasing as remoteness increases, suggesting high correlation between employment opportunities in metropolitan areas, and hence, barriers to employment with greater distance from these metropolitan areas (geographical barriers to employment and education). This information is valuable to the 1DATA project initiative focussing on tech job opportunities in remote areas. Remote communities will require greater assistance to implement these new jobs, addressing socioeconomic factors consequent to geographical isolation.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Using Open Data to Close the Gap

How can we improve the data and information sharing practices between governments and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations to Close the Gap?

Eligibility: Must use at least one Australian dataset.

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.