DSS Payment Demographic Data

Region: Australia

Description: The DSS Payment Demographic data set is made up of: Selected DSS payment data by Geography: state/territory; electorate; postcode , LGA and SA2 (for 2015 onwards) Demographic: age, sex and Indigenous/non-indigenous Duration on Payment (Working Age & Pensions) Duration on Income Support (Working Age & DSP) Rate (Working Age & Pensions) Earnings (Working Age & Pensions) Age Pension assets data Newstart and Youth Allowance (other) Principal Carers Activity Tested Recipients by Partial Capacity to Work (NSA,PPS & YAO) Exits within 3 months (NSA, PP, Sickness & YA) Exits within 12 months (NSA, PP, Sickness & YA) DSP by medical condition Care Receiver by medical conditions Commonwealth Rent Assistance by Payment type and Income Unit type have been added from March 2017. For further information about Commonwealth Rent Assistance and Income Units see the Data Descriptions and Glossary included in the dataset. Commonwealth Electorate Division has been updated to reflect the 2016 boundaries from March 2017. From March 2017 the DSS demographic dataset will include top 25 countries of birth. For further information see the glossary.


Team Projects Utilising DSS Payment Demographic Data

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