State Vegetation Type Map: Western Region DRAFT v0.1 VIS_ID 4492

Region: New South Wales

Description: The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) is producing a new map of the State’s native vegetation. This seamless map of NSW’s native vegetation types will enable government, industry and the community to better understand the composition and the relative significance of the native vegetation in their local area. The State Vegetation Type Map (SVTM) ( is constructed from the best available imagery, site survey records, and environmental information. Existing vegetation mapping has been integrated in some locations. Each vegetation survey record is being assigned to a Plant Community Type (PCT) and this is used to create a model of the distribution of each type. Their place in the landscape is then attributed based on the visual interpretation of vegetation photo pattern. The SVTM is designed to be dynamically improved and upgraded as new local information becomes available. The Western NSW PCT DRAFT v0.1 data-set provides a draft map of Plant Community Types over western NSW and it is released for expert feedback. This feedback will contribute to an updated v1.0 release. VIS_ID 4492


Team Projects Utilising State Vegetation Type Map: Western Region DRAFT v0.1 VIS_ID 4492

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