Using AI to better connect Northern Territory Science with the community
Jurisdiction: Northern Territory
How can the Northern Territory Government use AI to better compile and report to the community the NT-based advances in Science and Technology?
The Northern Territory aspires to be an innovative society with a technologically skilled workforce, a scientifically literate community, and scientifically well informed decision makers. The Northern Territory Government supports a strong, open relationship between science and society, underpinned by effective communication of science and its uses.
The Territory has a rich history of innovation, with substantial government investment and support. It is home to major research institutions such as Charles Darwin University, Menzies School of Health Research and Batchelor Institute for Indigenous Tertiary Education. It is also home to other research institutions, including Desert Knowledge Australia (DKA) and laboratories and offices of CSIRO, the Australian Institute of Marine Science, the Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia and the Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub.
Although the Territory has a strong Science and Technology Research track record, most of the general public is not aware of it. Efforts to compile current Science Research and Outcomes in the Territory and communicate effectively to the general public are time consuming, costly, and fated to become outdated in a short time frame.
With the current evolution of AI tools, there is an opportunity to explore their use while compiling and reporting to the community the NT-based advances in Science and Technology.
Use the available open dataset to develop an idea of how the Northern Territory Government can better compile and report to the community the NT-based advances in Science and Technology.
Additional Information
Relevant links:
• CDU Research Webportal: Charles Darwin University (cdu.edu.au)
• NTG Research and health data: Research and health data | NT Health
• DKA Newsletters: DKA Newsletter | Desert Knowledge Australia
• CRCNA research (overall database): Publications | CRCNA
For an example of an extensive NGT Scientific Report, see The Strategic Regional Environmental and Baseline Assessment for the Beetaloo Sub-basin.
Image credit: Northern Territory Government.
Eligibility: Must use at least one NT open dataset - https://data.nt.gov.au/dataset.
Entry: Challenge entry is only available to teams in Northern Territory.
Dataset Highlight
CSIRO research groups and projects
NT- Environment data
NTG Open Data Portal