Towards a zero emissions and resilient Hobart banner image

Towards a zero emissions and resilient Hobart

Jurisdiction: Tasmania

Hobart and our region are already experiencing the impacts of climate change. We seek creative and innovative approaches that leverage open data to help the community better understand and communicate climate risk, enable community-wide participation in action and solutions, and accelerate our transition towards a zero emissions and resilient city.

The City of Hobart and our region are already experiencing the impacts of climate change. In coming years, we can expect to see increased and more extreme weather events putting pressure on our local economies, health systems, built and urban infrastructure, ecosystems and food production systems. Climate change will have a long-term impact on our communities.

Hobart has declared a climate and biodiversity emergency and is committed to the urgent action required to both reduce emissions and to build the resilience needed to adapt to climate impacts across the community.

We seek creative and innovative approaches that leverage open data to help the community better understand and communicate climate risk, enable community-wide participation in solutions, and accelerate our transition to a zero emissions and resilient city.

Our current priorities for climate action are:

1 / Reducing emissions
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by transforming our transport systems, electrifying our communities, and transitioning toward zero emissions and zero waste across the city and with the community.

2 / Restoring natural systems
Restoring our natural systems to better absorb carbon, increase biodiversity and withstand climate shocks and stressors by protecting and enhancing bushland, wetland and urban green space.

3 / Building climate resilience
Building climate resilience across the city by understanding possible future scenarios, planning and preparing for change, and building community capacity to adapt through increased knowledge, connection, security and wellbeing.

4 / Mobilising community action
Mobilising community action by enabling city-wide participation in climate solutions, supporting existing climate leaders, facilitating collaboration across all sectors and levels of government, and connecting local action to a global movement.

5 / Supporting equitable transitions
Supporting equitable transitions through equal access to climate solutions, equal participation in new jobs, livelihoods and economies, and ensuring that society's most vulnerable are not further disadvantaged by climate impacts.

Additional Information

Relevant links:
• BOM - About Climate Data Online

• BOM - Tasmania Rainfall and River Conditions

• ABS - Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage (IRSD) Map

• Sustainable Hobart - Sustainable Hobart Action Plan: Towards a zero emissions Hobart PDF

• City of Hobart – City services

• City of Hobart - Responding to climate change – Background Paper PDF

• Renewables - Climate and Future Industries Tasmania

• Climate change in Australia - Climate information, projections, tools and data

• ClimateAsyst -Climate projection model data

• Climate Council - Climate risk map of Australia

• 10 Best Free Climate and Environment Datasets for Machine Learning - Deepchecks Community Blog

• Map of EV charging stations - PlugShare

Image credit: City of Hobart.

Eligibility: Use one or more datasets from CoH Open data portal and ensure the submission relates to addressing climate change in Hobart and the region -

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

Dataset Highlight

ABS - Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas

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Local Overlays - Heritage Areas 2015

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CoH - City of Hobart Playground Locations

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CoH - Base Road Assets

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CoH - ENVIRON Significant Tree Locations

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Application Ready Data

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Australian Estuaries Database - CAMRIS

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Bureau of Meteorology climate data

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TAS-C12 0 Flood Prone Hazard Areas Code

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TasWater Flood Inundation Summary - Land Information System Tasmania

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Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 Overlays

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CoH - Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 Zones

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LIST Cadastre and Administrative (Localities-Postcode):

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Local Overlays - Bushfire prone Areas

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City of Hobart - Open Space Parks

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TAS - Recreational Tracks and Trails

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LIST Topography and Relief:

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City of Hobart - Road Formation

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CoH - Trees with Asset ID

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CoH Buildings

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Layer: Facilities Zoom in

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Metro and Tassielink Bus Routes

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Land Information System Tasmania - Monthly average rainfall

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Shoreline erosion vulnerability - Land Information System Tasmania

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LIST Orthophotography 2019

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Challenge Entries

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