Tourism Jobs Challenge

Jurisdiction: Queensland

How might we determine the future tourism job needs for Queensland?

A list of useful Queensland Government open datasets are tagged on (
Previous research estimated 23,000 additional jobs are required by 2020. How many jobs will be needed in the next 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
Tourism in Queensland continues to grow and evolve. It covers a range of ANZSIC industry sectors
Tourism industry = 1 in 11 Queensland jobs
How will tourism labour and skill needs change? Our workforce must meet future industry needs?

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Entry: Challenge entry is only available to teams in Queensland.

Dataset Highlight

2018 Employment Projections

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Vocational ​​education and training (VET) activity

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Student Data

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ABS Labour Force Statistics

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Forecasts of Domestic Traveller Activity

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State Tourism Satellite Accounts, 2016-17

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Regional employment projections, 2010–11 to 2040–41

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Challenge Entries

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