Skills Development - Life after School

Jurisdiction: Victoria

How might we connect schools and students with their local community for learning life skills and for post school opportunities?

Moving from school education into the next phase of life can be both exciting and daunting for school leavers. Some students can’t wait, while don’t feel prepared for what happens next.

As the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child. What role might local communities play in preparing students for life after school?

What are the local organisations and businesses that could connect with a local school to engage with students?

What life skills could students learn from the different organisations and businesses within their local communities?

Are there particular school communities that could benefit from connecting with their local organisations and businesses?

From the On Track survey results, look at the different pathways for students, which schools or communities are under-represented in Tertiary education, which schools or communities are over-represented with students looking for work at the time of completing the survey.

What life skills do young people need to learn before moving out of home?
What life skill do young people need to learn before they start their first job or to get their first job?

How can local communities support and prepare local school students for life after school?

Eligibility: Participants must use one or more datasets from Data.Vic to be eligible.

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

Dataset Highlight

Public School. Our School Program

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Raising Expectations Program

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Reconnect Program - Designed to support Victorians experiencing disadvantages

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Transforming Career Education

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Tech Schools - Preparing the students of today for the jobs of tomorrow

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Trade Training Centres in Schools

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School Industry roundtables - improving education, training, and employment pathways

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School Breakfast Club program

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Positive Start School Camps

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Education Plans – People and place approach to education

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Census DataPacks

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ABS Community Profiles

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2020 On Track Survey - Year 12 or equivalent completers post school destinations, Victoria

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2021 On Track Survey - Year 12 or equivalent completers post school destinations

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Challenge Entries

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