Indigenous Languages

Jurisdiction: Queensland

How might we showcase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language materials?

The State Library of Queensland is committed to raise awareness and act to preserve and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages in Australia.

The United Nations declared 2019 The International Year of Indigenous Languages. In Australia, approximately 90% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages are endangered.

To date, we have identified over 90 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages in more than 600 State Library collection items. How do we tell this story by showcasing State Library language materials to users?

Extra Information

Eligibility: Your solution to this challenge should use at least one dataset from the State Library of Queensland

Entry: Challenge entry is only available to teams in Queensland.

Dataset Highlight

Indigenous Languages - Govhack Portal

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State Library of Queensland - Collection items in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.

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State Library of Queensland - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages word lists.

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AIATSIS datasets

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Challenge Entries

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